
Britney is completely disregarding her children’s boundaries and bodily autonomy for an unnecessary beauty ritual after they’ve settled for bed in the lotion video. She sounds unhinged and authoritarian. No one should demand respect just because they’ve managed to procreate or because ‘I’m a woman’. It would be

Why the fuck is Jezebel trying to gaslight readers about the contents of the videos?

I haven’t seen the lotion video, but I did see the ice cream one and it sounded like a normal mom frustrated with her teens. Maybe she shouldn’t have used the F-word with them, but I see a million times worse every time I step into a Wal-Mart. Honestly not really sure what K-Fed thought he was “proving” here, but it’s

Honestly at this point... fuck Olivia Wilde and fuck Harry Styles. They both are such trash human beings.

That’s what I guessed. A-listers like Wilde are almost always surrounded by security either in gated communities at home or on sets - it was probably very difficult to figure out a time when she could realistically be expected to be available in public to be served. 

I am an attorney. You are correct. We hire process servers to do the job, and even the attorneys don’t choose where it happens. The process servers do. Jason had nothing to do with this, although it is nice he is taking responsibility anyway. I do have pity for both of them for both finding new loves within the UK,

I got served papers while on stage, too, so for the rest of my set I had to carry the papers while gyrating and removing the remainder of my clothing.

That’s . . . how service happened. Jason Sudeikis didn’t serve Wilde; he hired someone to serve her. They decide how they do that. Case closed. What’s the deal here?

Jezebel makes habit of forgetting what they said and going back to defend the female in any scenario.

If my ex was cheating on me the last thing I’d be concerned with is if I humiliated her with how she was served papers.  Her humiliation was probably not as bad as the humiliation he felt when he learned she was openly cheating on him on the set of Don’t Worry, Darling.  

Parties to legal actions don't serve process. Process servers do.

“He could have served me discreetly, but instead...

Didn’t we already have this conversation (here — and wasn’t the general consensus among the commenters that Sudeikis almost certainly didn’t have anything to do with how she was served because process servers do whatever they need

He filed the suit pro se and the writing appears to be a non-legalese personal rant, which would make me guess his brother either doesn’t know about the lawsuit or doesn’t support it.

Kweli’s brother is renowned Columbia Law professor Jamal Greene, one of the nation’s leading constitutional law scholars. Greene is also one of four co-chairs of Facebook’s Oversight Board, which “uses its independent judgment to support people’s right to free expression and ensure those rights are being adequately

Congrats! This is the stupidest thing I’ve read on the internet all week.

You pulled this out of the grays just to say that?

You’re trying too hard friend.

You have very bad, very dumb opinions.

Well, why not?  Apparently a man getting his feelings hurt because someone said something true is grounds for giving that man tens of millions of dollars now.