
I am hoping the audition process will be: sneak in from the audience and hope no one notices.

The more that Amazon promo video for Thirteen Lives hijacks my browser on here, the less likely I am to see it.

This is not in any way a radical re-imagining of “Cats”.  If you didn’t think “Cats” was ALREADY “Gay Cats” then I question whether or not you’ve ever actually seen the show.

Wait, how is wanting to use a condom to prevent HIV transmission a negative thing? Obviously, PrEP prevents transmission to someone HIV negative and ART prevents transmission from someone HIV positive (depending on the individual’s regimen and viral loads etc.), but I can’t see why someone bemoaning a lack of condom

I was skeptical going in, not a Harris fan and not having any real expectations, I had fun with these people, especially the two women.

Let’s try to be objective here. Focus on the movie’s historical nature instead of knit-picking. I get that James Franco has a bad past and rightfully so, no one should ever forget. However, the same could have been said for Al Pacino’s, “Scarface”. Not the same type of topic but the last f kn guy universe that should

thus proving he couldn’t have hurt Heard, because everyone knows domestic abusers have also abused every woman they’ve ever encountered.

Depp/Heard stories will never end. It’s not right. Can’t you see what you’re doing to Mortal Dictata? At least make a slideshow so nobody will be forced to comment on it. Please.

Just for comparison this is only a 28th of the amount a Florida jury awarded to a has-been pro-wrestler for getting his feelings hurt because a clip of him having sex was posted on this site’s former sister blog.

Did the jury happen to be dribbling on the table when they decided a decade long harassment campaign/conspiracy theory only merited potentially as little as 5 days revenue in terms of compensatory damages?

I’m confused. Why would the jury name an amount BEFORE they hear Jones’ net worth?

I often don’t really think too much about how much people are suing for, but in this case the punishment needs to fit the crime.  Money is the only thing this guy cares about and money is what he should be punished with cause it’s the only thing that will hurt him.  That said, $150 million is far too lenient a

I want nothing more than absolutely horrible things to happen to this vile piece of shit.  Dead children.  Period. 

Jones maintains that he isn’t responsible for the harm inflicted on the Sandy Hook parents because, he claims, the conspiracy theory didn’t originate with him.

“sawed-off prick”


Yea......I think I might start peddling this bs as well to these dumb republitards. 

I guarantee Trump made more in donations to the “Election Fraud Fund” between November 2020 and January 2021, peddling the exact same thing.

Yeah, I wondered whether there was something creepy that I was missing. This isn’t a case of “procreating with people who look related to you.” Their kids will be cousins, but will be genetically as similar as brothers. Big whoop. What I do find creepy is that not only do the brothers and the sisters apparently spend a

That’s actually Missouri. But yes, we’re glad he lost. 

On of the best things that has happened in my work life was having a co-worker who was a competitive baker. New recipes came to the break room for opinions. Not quite perfect looking products were always welcomed. I thought things couldn’t get any better until another co-workers spouse got into competitive BBQ.