
He was polite and even kind, professional, and worked hard to communicate in a way she could answer when she asked for clarification. When the moderator asked to move on, she insisted on taking the time necessary to answer Daugherty’s question and then she did so ably.

With all respect - and I say that meaning actual respect and not snark - I hope this young woman can toughen up and take it. She is an amazing athlete and role model, but she cannot tie her sense of self worth to how she is treated by the press. 

There are some deals to be had, including $3 for the bowl used to give her that haircut.

Because their job is not to fawn over her celebrity.

So the media makes her cry from anxiety unless they are fawning? Gotcha.

media was specifically owed the presence and tolerance of the people they cover

In what way is this an unfair question, though? She just played the Olympics, where media appearances after matches aren’t required. Yet as the favorite at home, after a disappointing lost in an early round, she voluntarily chose to go answer questions from the media, the exact thing she has withdrawn from other

So a publication that employs Rich Juzwiak is talking about reporters asking inappropriate questions?

I guess her agent went a bit for the sensationalist angle (a bit of self-victimization here) after her emotional spill. It’s kinda her angle lately (being a critic of the media and the tennis organisation forcing interview via contracts) for the “scene”.

It sounds like the follow up questions were because she was asking clarifying questions of him though. Again, unless there's something missing from the reporting here.

None of the questions presented here seem bullying. Did he ask something else that’s being left out? (And he could be asking totally legit questions that could have been difficult for her for reasons that have nothing to do with him! That’s totally possible.)

My guess is tax reasons. Remember, the rich are still rich and don’t act like regular people, regardless of where they come from.

Why doesn’t Osaka just donate a set amount to Haiti relief now? She’s the highest paid female athlete in the world. Her participation could net anything from $24,000 to $255,000, which is anywhere from 0.05-0.5% of her earning last year, and won’t be received for weeks.

For people saying “Just focus on all the positive comments.” You either have a limited understanding of how brains work or how the internet works. No offense: it’s easy to say things that are difficult to put into action.

Lizzo plays the flute. She actually took time to learn a musical instrument. Anyone that learns a musical instrument/can read music gains credibility for me right out of the gate. They can go up or down at that point.

FWIW we don’t know what’s in the DMs. And I’ve been harassed via DM more than in the comments since there’s no crowd sourced protection in a DM.

The internet is largely miserable people doing nothing with their lives trying to bring down people who are doing something. Lizzo sharing a video of herself crying is exactly what they like to see. 

All it takes is one off day for the negative stuff to pull you under. 

I follow her on Instagram and she is putting herself out there all the time and seemingly in control of ignoring the assholes. But I’m sure the assholes are constant and generally she’s comes off as fiercely strong and positive. I’m sure sometimes it hits her harder than others and I think it’s OK for her to share

I was hoping he would go in a different direction, but not surprised he has decided to ignore his promise to do better. I’m wondering if there will be backlash at some of his shows? I am sure he has spent time on rebuttals and seems to have support of his audience. I’ve seen him a few times doing Stand-up starting