
I hope it’s okay to post this here. I have been on Jezebel since I was 18 and some of you have helped before and right now my family really needs some help and it would mean lot to me if anyone could share this in their friend circle.

To be fair, Wendy is a completely different person this season and it’s clear something is going on with her.

People Online ran this yesterday, and it was such a mindfuck. It was like, “Surfing instructor arrested for killing his two toddlers” and then pics of him at the beach cradling his babies and smiling with his wife. I was honestly confused if the dad in the pics was the murderer in question because…why are you showing

I have three brothers-in-law who, when I married Mr. Valve, were pretty nice and decent guys. One by one, they’ve all fallen down the internet rabbit hole into crazy QAnonish/far right garbage in the past five or six years, until I can’t even stand to be in the same room with them anymore. With each of them, I’ve

What is a man who kills babies with a spear gun supposed to look like?  Is there a difference in what he’d be supposed to look like if he’d killed them with a machete?  A pistol?  He’s a Qanon scumbag who murders babies.  Who cares what he looks like?  

Mayim Bialik’s problems aside. I’m tired of how we keep offering women “second best” roles. Give the damn job to Mayim Bialik if you think she is qualified to host. Period. Stop with these “deputy/vice” roles which only relegate women to the back up plan. Bialik won’t have to wait too long though. It’s only a matter

Isn’t her stance that she’s “vaccine-hesitant” and a low-vaccine family? Essentially just anti-vaxx dogwhistles, the basic equivalent of “just asking questions” while continuing to promote the conspiracy theories.

I’m confused why Lavar Burton wasn’t the IMMEDIATE choice. Nothing made more sense than having him host.

Sorry Megan, but Anna Gunn is Mrs Breaking Bad, aka Skyler White.

I dont need this kind of negativity in my life. 

She could try dressage?

Oh my god. Sex and the City is never going to die, right? It’s Jason Voorhees and Michael Myers with a dose of Freddy Krueger.

As much as we all like to dunk on him, he’s right about this.

And it’s hysterical to me that even out of office he’s still supposed to behave better than 99.99999% of everyone else in this fucked up country.  I love all the whataboutisms happening right now.  Like if you weren’t pissed off about all the Orange Traitor rallies, you can’t be pissed off about an old man’s party

The photos look pretty tame IMO. It’s just people hanging out on a boat and posing for a picture. His arm is around her in the same way most people do in photos. 

fuck you, guy.

Dude got grounded, had his toys taken away from him and realised that the cool kids don't like him anymore. DaToddler is really living up to that moniker from the looks of things. 

This. Doubt this fool could legitimately sound contrite

“DaBaby is starting to sound more remorseful. I wonder what changed?”