
I once dated a less-than-conventionally attractive man with a lot of baggage. He was missing some front teeth and had serious eye bags. He was a very nice person-but a chain smoker, had multiple kids with multiple women and worked like 80+ hours a week. (I think to pay off his child support.) The attraction was not at

To me he seems like just another white dude who wants to make everything about him. He’ll make you laugh, sure, but only because he wants your attention on him and not yourself. You could do drugs with him or stop doing drugs with him but he’s going to choose which it’s going to be (and where you’re gonna do it.) He’s

*smokes half a joint after four years and almost dies coughing*

lol that apology was so unnecessary, if she had literally just waited a week no one would have cared anymore about the first video or even remembered it. I don’t even think the original was THAT bad, half the problem is that it isn’t funny... like if she had made a legitimately funny video ragging on the dance, it

I am not the target audience for tiktok and I have no idea who the actress is. However it looks like she made fun of some dance trend on tiktok. Other than not liking it I don’t get what she did wrong here either. Its a stupid dance trend on tiktok. There are lots of those and I am sure I don’t have any idea who

Just so we are all clear, it’s not okay to make fun of stupid shit just because black people made it up? Between this and the backlash against 50 cent for saying Lil Kim dressed up like an owl looked like an owl it’s no wonder the country is so divided. People seem to flip their shit over not micro, not nano, not

Kim is wearing a NASA hat in that photo.

Fully agree.

One of the biggest U.K. costume houses, of lovely repute, burned down a few years ago. It was so sad.

Pedantic comments here—there is no love to be had for the Prince Regent, who was pretty universally considered terrible. So I’ll ask for no zippers, but for the love of almost anyone else—hell, Princess Caroline would do nicely ;-).

I think it’s both purposeful and sloppy, for the reasons you’ve mentioned. Bridgerton the show is an adaptation of Bridgerton the novel, and neither of these are pretending to historical accuracy. People in the industry who are aware of the multiple reasons for this—this is escapist fantasy, and it’s almost impossible

Yeah Regency style Empire waist gowns really need to sit right under the bust. It’s especially perplexing they didn’t bother to fit this for the plus sized sister as she’s still a major recurring role and the line goes right across her nipples which looks awful. I don’t even know if I can watch that show sober once

Yeah- I’m not really in the “no one actually did tightlacing and corsets are actually completely empowering” crowd, but it’s really funny when they want to do the “woman is tightlaced to represent her constricting circumstances” trope, but the time period is wrong so what they’re doing is nonsense. Tightlacing 18th

I believe the nomination in this case is for the excellent framing of Regé-Jean Page’s ass.

The worst was the scene where they are tight-lacing one of the daughters into a set of long stays that wouldn’t have been tight-laced because that wasn’t the fashionable silhouette at the time. The purpose of stays at the time was to push the boobs up and create a tube shape below. 

The costumes are a crime. And *not because they aren’t 100% accurate.* They are just sloppy. Some of the military decorations looked stupid because the decorations were jammed in-between button holes under the coat. Who wears stuff hanging out of the placket? Ridiculous!

I know this is always a fraught conversation (I swear I’m not intending to kick off a discussion about corset perceptions outright) but I think my favorite moment was watching them tightlace her into a corset...

...then put her in a regency style gown where the effect of a tight-laced corset is absolutely meaningless!

Or why not use side zippers? Far easier to hide under the armpit rather than the back. It does turn into an unignorable sight once you see it.

Em, I am glad you are bringing this very pertinent news to the masses. Call out these anti-historicist designers. Fill us with raaaaage! 

Now playing

I keep trying to figure out why the costume designer would add zippers...I mean laces are easier to sew? Plus if you have to “cheat” with modern cords/laces are easier to hide. If the rest of the garment(s) are period it shouldn’t be that hard to escape/go pee/change out top dresses. As seen here: