
I have read all these books, most of them by Hemmingway.

This take is like trying to determine which pile of shit smells better.

I used to watch Frasier, mostly for David Hyde Pierce, Jane Leeves, and John Mahoney.  Without any of them.....meh.

I know that the events of the last eighteen months have really messed with everyone’s sense of time, but this is ridiculous.

Exactly, there are no more excuses over a year in for people not to get the shots. If someone isn’t vaccinated, that’s on them and them alone.

At this point there isn’t any reason for someone to not get vaccinated. I know I know, transportation can be difficult, but for fucks sake some work has to be done to get it and simply not getting it isn’t a responsible option. Here in Houston, 99.75% of all new covid deaths are coming from unvaccinated people, and at

*I'm not fighting Kinja to try and post links, but Google can direct everyone to sites they trust to access information. 

None of this is about being light skin, she just wants to say something to get people talking.  Because, she has nothing else.

Nor, does she have any self control.  She really needs professional help.  And, to be off of this show.  

Yes, let's look at her track record.  She thinks only the light skin people get away with stuff, well so far she had pulled a knife and cut a castmates face with a glass.  But she's still there.  Now, she's got a problem with; Ashley, Robin, Karen and Gizelle because they are light skinned.  Wow...this female is evil

You spoke the truth. And she’s so proud of her smart ass mouth. For her patients to have worked so hard to educate and provide for her, it left her so ugly on the inside and out. This has nothing to do with light skin, just that smart ass mouth. Don’t worry, your married to the other...that should get you a pass of

Stopped watching it after the vulgar Halloween party, not worth spending time.

Her husband is deadbeat? What am I missing?...he has a job, certainly not one that brings in the money she needs for her lifestyle, but he seems okay? Please don’t tell me he’s secretly awful.

I forgot to address this bs - the way she called Monique the most dog whistle terms for a Blacck woman. The entire time she was jealous of that Potomac zip code Monique has. 

What is irksome is how she wants to be from financial privilege . Her home and schooling - not university - do not indicate this at all. Her mom is a therapist and her father is not spoken about in terms of finance. The townhouse was by the Harbor and she now owns her own home in Upper Marlboro- very far from Potomac.

I fast forward through her segments. But I watched that fight over and over bahahaaaahahaaa

She was more than willing to use those stereotypes against Monique.

Maybe people dislike Candice because she is a homophobic, race baiting awful person who is not below referring to people as animals or using slavery references for her castmates.  She is genuinely a despicable person and no amount of pretty can make up for that.

They say it’s a dating show, but once you get there they ship you off to Portugal to fight Napoleon.

Okay, but is there going to be a matronly chaperone that will be present at all times? Will there be deodorant? Will the lady contestant be stripped of her right to vote and use of her own credit card?