
I can empathize with her* and also think that it’s absurd to use the “I’m not perfect” defense in this situation.

Yup. He was stripped of his gold. Plus the whole Michael Phelps situation.

It’s not USDA’s rule. It’s IOC following regulations created by the World Doping Agency. 

The one thing to consider is she isn’t outright banned. She’s suspended for 30 days, which started June 28th. The Olympics start July 23rd. There is a chance she can compete in the relay.

Yeah, USTFA made the right call. As I mentioned upthread I’m sure none of them wanted a star athlete to be disqualified. But if they ignored the results or even worse failed to disclose the fallout could’ve been catastrophic. Like you mentioned the possibility of Team USA being being disqualified. Not to mention it

When you find out that your mother has died during an interview and you’re in a place where it’s legal to smoke a joint, are you really telling me that you aren’t smoking a joint?

“In this case, the policies that resulted in Richardson’s suspension are the creation of a single body, the USADA, whose officials have the power to change them—but only if they want. In the case of Black athletes, exceptions are rarely if ever made; empathy can be equally hard to come by.”

Agreed. I’m no Biden Stan....but what should have been his response?????

I also feel like “haters” is excessive to describe people who feel this way. Deferring to the rules is actually the most rational, least emotional position to stake out in this situation.

I don’t know that I’d call Joe Biden a “Sha’Carri Richardson hater.” First, he didn’t volunteer his opinion, he was asked and he answered. Second, this is the most normatively acceptable response to a question about someone breaking a dumb rule that’s easy to avoid breaking—and underscores that this is a purely

Am I allowed to be in two camps here?

In the case of Black athletes, exceptions are rarely if ever made; empathy can be equally hard to come by.”

Be honest; you know the President of the United States (this doesn’t apply to Trump who talks out his neck on the regular) isn’t going to make a statement on a situation like this without having a chance to go over the file on someone like this. You know he knows all the nasty things she’s said on Twitter and

I’m curious about that, because when I went to the Sistine Chapel (granted, more than a decade ago) you absolutely were not allowed to take pictures inside – never mind pose with your squad for the ‘gram.

Lol miss me with defending this homophobic rat. I don’t get how she can have a girlfriend AND still be a homophobic busted ass hater. Hope she gets banned more often 

That’s the confusing part to me, she must have been told 10,000 times the ramifications for popping a positive during any competitive window. Hell, I get a monthly reminder about the career implications of failing a random test result [still considered a security risk!] 

I want to say up front that I fully believe that marijuana has no business being a banned substance for athletes. Hands down, her suspension is just dumb.

This is sad and unfortunate and the rule should be changed, but every athlete with Olympic hopes knows that they can’t do this... So I don’t understand the big outrage. If she would be an athlete that people don’t like too much or a white athlete, people would be writing that because of entitlement and privilege such

I feel like people are looking at this case from a US centric viewpoint. This rule is in place for all athletes competing in the Olympics. It’s a global wide rule that each and every athlete is expected to adhere. Cannibus is only banned during competition. It doesn’t matter if people think it’s a dumb rule. It

Ugh, I really hate the “I’m not perfect and no one else is!” response after someone has royally fucked up. No one is saying she needs to be perfect and you don’t need to be perfect to know that it is inadvisable to use drugs while you’re in competition.