
Thank you, I can’t stand the smugness which is so dense you can smell it off of an internet comment when someone says, “Besides food deserts and medical conditions, fat is a choice.” There is so much arrogance fed FAT on ignorance in this type of smugness it’s hardly bearable, almost nearly as insufferable as 5

Erika is coming off like a sociopath! Lady, your family took advantage of the most vulnerable people. Every fancy vacation, every diamond you wear, every stitch of clothing on your back was bought with their misery and pain. Any normal person would read the room and display a little decorum or empathy. The fact that

I’ve seen it in fat social media spaces, especially after the AHS casting this article started with. 

For all the talk of “naturally” transforming, everybody knows that putting on a great deal of weight is one thing, and taking it off again is another. Even with trainer and dietician armies, it’s rough, it’s easier to gain weight again, and as a person gets older and experiences metabolism change it can become

Yes, I do hope actors keep getting more flak about those roles, the 2000's were horrible for punch down comedy overall. 

With increasing outrage about non BIPOC playing people of color, able bodied actors playing disabled roles, trans people playing trans roles, autistic actors portraying autistic roles, I haven’t heard almost any discourse about having larger actors play roles for people who are larger in biopics or increasing

It really pissed me off, as well. I loved what Hemsworth did with the situation, but I hated every single other character’s response to it.

And don’t forget all the fat jokes they made at her expense when she was skinny too. The whole reason she became a chef was because of her weight and a man told her to.

Not only that, and I say this as a Friends superfan in general, they act constantly like she was morbidly "My 600-LB Life"-level obese (“Hurricane Gloria didn’t break the porch, MONICA did!”) and the best they could do with a fat suit to portray her is one that most wouldn’t even give her a second glance about

Does anyone remember that cringy trend of talkshow hosts being “brave” enough to sport fat suits in the real world? I vaguely remember Tyra crying because no one would help her at the makeup counter when she was in the body suit. Do you mean to tell me her stunning exposé did actually not solve the issue of weight

Also surprised this wasn’t mentioned in the article! I have a sense that because the fat suit was used in so many episodes of a long-running show, its use was arguably more harmful than in a single film. They actively joked about how unlovable and disgusting she was, TO THE CHARACTER’S FACE, in direct comparison to ad

I can’t believe no one has mentioned “Fat Monica” from Friends yet.  We are supposed to laugh at Courtney Cox in a fat suit and see her as the butt of every joke.  Very traumatic for every teenage girl to watch!

I see the fatphobic pieces of shit are out in full force in the greys.

I hate that those scarf-wrapped-around-the-neck tops/dresses are coming back into style in the first place. Pulling your boobs up and out, like the opposite of cleavage, is not flattering to anybody.

France’s big annual music festival was on Monday, and according to the French press, Justin and Hailey were there for that. The article below says that Justin asked to meet with Macron, and I guess he accepted so they could spend the afternoon talking about “youth issues”. Do the youth even care about Justin Bieber

Macrons NOT decently dressed? whut the fuck u talking’ bout? Dude Macron leads a goddamn country … he is dressed just like he needs to be and his wife represents fantastically.  Hailey needs to dumps that trailer parks trashy stank ass.  

Why are a pair of over-hyped putzes meeting with government officials in the first place?

Mr. Bieber’s outfit is largely fine

Justin Beiber’s outfit is not ‘largely fine’. It shows a complete contempt for the people he’s meeting.

Judging by her outfit and the way she’s standing I guess Hailey thought she was going to Paris for a fashion shoot.