
GoT has too much violence against animals, and lingering shots of dead animals for me.  Plus, there are never enough moments of triumph to offset the sheer amount of misery.  It is a beautifully filmed world, and the concept intrigues me.  But I can't get past those two things.

Lucy Lawless is the reason I turned the show on in the first place.  I adore her acting and the character of Lucretia is endlessly fascinating to me.  Yeah the sex stuff is fun, but the underlying human emotion and drama genuinely is why I keep watching.  If the gore wasn't so comic book I might not be able to stand

The language felt pretty much the same to me, but I agree with Ajax that the blood was more splashy than before.

My favorite line was from Crixus to Spartacus: The tempest shouts at the breeze to calm itself!    I love the pseudo-Shakespearian dialog :D

hah! Well she's not all leathery and tough, so not really.   I like the Scott Pilgrim reference mostly.

I'd rather Amy and Penny explore a relationship together. Anything to stop Penny's not so subtle descent into alcoholism and Amy's completely pointless attempts at having a romantic relationship with someone (Sheldon) not interested in or capable of one.

I'm in agreement with most of this and I particularly love the Nega-Heidi naming. :D

It's more that a show starring CKR and TH as adversaries of any sort would be, by definition, better than this dreck

If this had been a show about a Private Investigator with a troubled past played by Callum Keith Rennie who keeps running into the semi to totally evil law firm run by Tricia Helfer I would've been all aboard.  Instead we got an idiotic premise, banal to outright moronic dialog, completely uninteresting main

Not really, no.  It wasn't great, nor was the bit about it only happening once a month for 5-7 days.  That seemed forced.  But relating the issue of the price increase to the general issue of OWS worked for me.

This was actually my favorite episode so far.  They didn't actively offend me with any of the jokes.  They only slightly offended me with the gross/broad stereotypes.  The plots were relevant to their financial situation/lives.  I enjoyed the mention of OWS vs 1%.  There were no rape jokes.  This is the direction the

And it's not like that tactic works either. 

I totally want Amy & Penny to end up together. I think it would be awesome.  Amy likes Penny just as she is and delights in her.  Leonard, doesn't.  He just saw a hot girl.

Yes, the racism is really, really, really getting tiresome. It isn't remotely funny and it takes away from the few laughs that they might have been able to get.

There are moments on this show that I really like. I don't ever really laugh at it though, most of the jokes are too mean-spirited.  I really like Max & Caroline so I'm willing to hang in while the show (hopefully) finds a way to make jokes that aren't offensive.  Fingers crossed.

I am greatly enjoying the album.  I like all of the songs and love quite a few of them.  Run Dry (X Heart X Fingers) is currently my favorite with its ridiculously catchy (and fun) chorus).  I am biased in that I really love Patrick's voice and I heard several of these songs for the first time when I saw him on his

Same for me. And all the grammatical digressions about whether or not they're using the right form of a word. Lots of really nerdy language jokes and puns.  I'm a sucker for puns.

I agree about the main characters, boring or horrid mostly.  But overall I'm enjoying this show.  It has some nice creepy moments and if it will stay away from showing animals violently killed, I'll keep watching.

I haven't been able to find confirmation either. Which hopefully means that including Haven above was an accident.

"The cancellation of shows like Eureka, Haven, Stargate: Universe and Caprica makes it hard very hard to want to get enthusiastic about new shows."