
Jessica is engaged, not married.  You are aware this on CBS, right?  the old person network where all the shows explain everything a few times through?  Compared to the CSIs, this one is not that bad.

This episode was definitely better than last week.  Not great, but better enough that I'll keep watching.  I like the growing friendship between Max & Caroline and I wish they'd focus on that instead of shit jokes and racial stereotypes.  But I know better than to hope for that.

I am really enjoying this show, despite the issues I have with the concept of an all-seeing (or nearly) network monitored by a computer. For now I'm choosing to view it as Not Our Reality.  And while I agree the last second save at the end was a bit contrived, that was the only thing that didn't work for me tonight. 

I was disappointed by this episode for all the reasons you mentioned, except I didn't find the horse crap funny. Primarily because unless the horse is ill (or there's just been a lot of rain), that's not what it looks like.

My Fridays are happily full of Nikita, Supernatural and Haven.  I know they're not ratings grabbers, but I think in the context of their own networks they're doing okay.  I hope.  Mostly for Nikita and Haven.

Yes she did, so I'm not too fussed by 'accidental' landings.  Besides, the Doctor also said that the ship-thing wanted Amy and that's why they were there.

I have grown increasingly appalled by Oliver's fake British-Italian pseudo accent and the way he plays at not being able to speak English much at all.  Josh, too, is working my last nerve with his always arrogant, always patronizing everything.  They're both nasty little jerks in their own way and I find their taste

Gary is my favorite part about the show.  And I really like the dynamic between him and Bill and how it's progressed.  The only real miss in this episode for me was Nina & Hicks and their romance sub-plot; I don't hate it but it bores me.

New fan
I'd actually been reluctant to watch this show because of how Bill and Gary (in particular) were described. Considering the plethora of socially-maladjusted genius types that litter the landscape, one that actually had autism could have gone very, very badly. And Bill who on paper sounds like the Angry Black

ugh, not 24 with aliens
That would kill this show for me. I do enjoy how the characters are changing and shifting. I like that my sympathies are drawn to different characters now than at the beginning. Sterling is the best example of that for me.

The electric toothbrush thing irritated the hell out of me. Amazon sells vibrators. Surely Amy is smart enough to figure that much out?

Very neat
I wish there was a list so I could follow along, but other than that it's pretty cool to listen to the musical styles shift around over time.

I adore White Collar. The chemistry between the cast, the genuine likability of the characters and the fun plots drew me in right away and keep me coming back. It's currently my favorite USA show, but I'm fond of a lot of them: Burn Notice, Covert Affairs, In Plain Sight, Psych and I'm hopeful about Fairly Legal.

I so love this show
And I'm pleased that BBC America is finally airing it on the same day as the UK gets it. I hope they continue with that. And that they continue showing the full episode.

Best thing
about this episode was the music. And I really, really wish they would stop pushing the love interest thing between Chance & Ilsa. It's so dull.

I wish I could like this…
but when it's not boring me, it's annoying me. Tonight it did both in about equal measure. I'm not giving up on it, but it's skating on thin ice. It just feels very shallow with lots of really, really broad stereotypes. I keep expecting to hear a laugh track go off after the characters

I want to like this show. I'm trying real hard. But they're hitting some really sour notes for me in terms of gender, sexuality & orientation. I get that this is light and fluffy like cotton candy, but not even blinking an eye at the whole using a black woman as sexbait with a white South African bad guy? And