
No one likes having to acknowledge privilege, particularly white boys.  I'm just glad I'm not the only one with a problem with it.

I'm sincerely irritated that, once again, the evil women are all dead and the evil men are all alive and well and in the case of the murdering twins, completely absolved of their crimes.  This show has a serious misogyny and race problem and it is getting increasingly unfun.  I'm almost relieved Derek is gone, maybe

This was so fantastically boring.  There were a few lines here and there that were funny, but for the most part it was one cliche after another and one familiar plot 'twist' after another.  Dull.

The whole ridiculous Marshall is too 'married' to Mary to marry Abby thing just irritated the hell out of me.  It came out of nowhere and made no sense.  The case of the week was weaker than usual and should have just been skipped.  They had time to plan this final season, and this is what they chose to do with it.

I watched this for Patrick Stump's brief guest appearance.  It was a fairly entertaining episode, but not enough to bring me back next week.  House is House is House and nothing changes.  Sometimes that can work for a show, at this point. eh

Yes, I'm fully aware that it was fiction.  It is also lazy fiction, cheap and pointless.  I have better things to do with my time than waste it on a show that only bothers to have action when they're killing animals.

When Ben shot the dog, I turned the channel.  I think it's extremely cheap and lazy to use killing of animals to show that a character is a Bad Person(tm).  And to do it two weeks in a row?  No thanks.  I wish they hadn't done that, I really did want to enjoy the show.

I need Amy to drop Sheldon as a 'boyfriend'. The relationship is fantastically unhealthy and demeaning.  It's actively unfunny.

My friend & I couldn't remember Rhaskos' name, so we had renamed him Jimmyus.  We liked him, he wasn't smart or all that great, but he seemed to be a loyal sort.

I think Jerell should've gone, his outfit was the worst by far.  But Mila's dress was an atrocity in its own right. It looked like two dresses stitched together just for the hell of it.  Mondo's dress was perfect, the back was a delightful punch of color and the fit was lovely.  Kenley's dress was really cute, I liked

I laughed a lot at tonight's episode. It was almost perfect.  And I would gladly sign a petition to get an interview with Vernee Watson.  I adore her, she always brings so much to each role, no matter how small.

I'm thrilled, I absolutely love their music.

I'll probably finish watching the season, but this show's unrelenting dedication to not being funny is a real bummer

This show vexes me. I want to like it because I genuinely enjoy the connection between the two leads, but then it trots out crap like this episode.  There are so many ways they could be doing better, even within the construct they have now.  There's just no excuse and I'm rapidly running out of patience.

You are not the only one. I can see her being bitter about her failed acting career, but the slutty thing is really stupid at this point.

I was feeling very meh about this episode and couldn't figure out why until I read this.  It was the lack of screen time for the women that dragged it down for me.

Pfft! Feet would have more flavor.  I love tofu (I was raised vegetarian), but it has to be seasoned.

This show makes me laugh, cringe & cuss in equal measure.  I agree about the roulette scene being tweaked enough to be new.  Which is both impressive and awful.  Lots of good lines tonight too.  I nearly choked to death laughing while drinking when Raylan's commode vs crapper line happened.  It really was the only

I loathe Quinoa too. And dear lord, unseasoned tofu? She should've been arrested for that crime alone.

I like it. It gives it a really different feel.