
This review reinforces some fears I had after seeing the trailer. It already seemed too focused on nostalgic prop worship, and unfortunately it looks like that carries over into the film.

What made the original film great wasn’t ghost traps or Ecto-1 or Mr. Stay-Puft or Egon’s molds, spores, and fungus collection, it

In my day if you wanted to make a Ghostbusters sequel with an entirely new cast you called it Evolution and changed the ghosts to aliens.

“Why are the good ones always married, gay, or serial killers?”

Plot twist: in season 2, she falls for a hometown hunk in the hills of West Virginia who teaches her the real meaning of Christmas.

To make it interesting Clarice will be a single gal in NYC and she’ll have to juggle her career, her friends, her nagging mom and deciding between which of three perfect suitors she wants to marry.

Wait... is Hannibal not a character in this show? Clarice as a character without the Clarice-Hannibal dynamic makes this show just sound like a generic Criminal Minds spin off.

AOC is responsible for costing Amazon billions of dollars. I’m not saying anything I’m just saying.

WTF is DuckDuckGo? I mean, I presume it is a search engine, and I am old and out of touch with the search methods the kids are using on the intertubes these days.  But this is the first I’ve heard of it.

I’m a huge fan of Disney parks. That said, you couldn’t get me to go for the next year or so unless you kicked me out of a helicopter that was flying over one of them.

god dude you really need to change your diaper if you're this pissed off about having to wait A WHOLE WEEK between episodes of a thing

Jesus Christ, how much of an entitled baby do you have to be to call this "anti-consumer"

I have a theory that Jeremy Irons is playing Doctor Manhattan, not Ozymandias. At the very least, Adrian is now working directly with Jon.

He’s absolutely on Mars. We see Doctor Manhattan building a new palace, and it looks just like the caslte that Jeremy Irons is living in.

Jeremy Irons seems a bit odd and detached,

That was absolutely fantastic, looking forward to the rest of the season! Regina King was wonderful and Jeremy Irons as Adrian Veidt is going to be amazing.

“The goal of the film is to rehumanize her and to build empathy for her”

“I don’t see why everyone is fixated on the fact I removed the whole penis-severing episode in my Bobbit dramatization. The goal was to create empathy for this failing lower-middle class marriage, not to focus on the thing that made their story newsworthy!”

Now playing

I think Jonah Hill at the James Franco Roast summed it up best.

My audience was laughing/cheering when Rick got out the flamethrower- so was I.

I’m still processing much of it, but I do love that in this version of history, QT allows for Tate’s legacy to be re-written and her future is unknown, with her in full control of her own agency, and that it won’t be defined or overshadowed by her being a murder victim. Good stuff.

Oh good, another think piece by a man telling women that they should be outraged at something instead of listening to the women involved and hearing what they think about it. Great!

Red Dragon and Silence Of The Lambs still hold up, at least. I’m curious about Black Sunday, which I remember liking as a young person but could see being not good in reality.