
As someone who's just jumping in this season, I'm enjoying it. I'm finding it somewhat reminiscent of Top of the Lake from earlier this year; a solid procedural that's intelligent and earnest. It's not nearly on the same level as Mad Men, but I'm still with it. Joel Kimmaman is great, and hey, Amy Siemetz!

Well, it's part trip/part near death "Come to the Light" experience.

Saturday I saw RONIN for the first time (putting it on my list after its WATCH THIS blurb last week). It was great! Stylish but not labored, and never spells out anything, but gives you everything you need to know. I wonder how much of the script is Mamet.

All things being equal, HBO has a lot of tits to deal with. Them having their own CEO might've just been the best decision on a management level.

I didn't see a second of the first two seasons, but gave this a shot tonight.

But then how will I remember that Leonardo DiCaprio and Mark Ruffalo were duly appointed federal marshalls?

But how is that any different from Woody Allen bedding the hottest actress whatever year a particular film is made?

It's also just a really great "adaptation" of bedtime story logic in a feature film. Maybe if you're not in that headspace, it just doesn't work, but it's still another thing where people made their minds up about before they ever saw it.

I think there's a good case to be made that the little girl is either her daughter or her sister, and that there was a history of abuse that Marling was able to escape, and that the handshake is just a family thing. (Believe it or not, the usually-insane IMDB boards actually have some interesting discussion re: this

Posting this feels like a mistake, but I'm going to do it anyway.

I'm sure you know this already, but getting that Bass logo on Magic Mike was apparently a bit of a sticking point: http://somecamerunning.type…

She nailed it. When Grandma Scrawler's right, Grandma Scrawler's right, you know?

Also, he keeps calling for Lee! So unless it was looped (which it didn't sound like), it means that he either was speaking with that much fake barf in his mouth, snuck the fake barf into his mouth in the midst of a camera move, or some other third horrible option I don't even want to think about.

With the exception of Begins, all of Nolan's Batman movies are Bond movies in disguise. They all start with big, bombastic, unrelated openings (and DKR even steals the plane coming apart in midair, which is shot-for-shot from one of those interchangeable Moore outings), there's Batman getting/gathering his gadgets,

And that Don is back to treating her like a glorified secretary within moments. That's about 2 years of growth gone in a moment.

What I loved about Marie's French is that she literally mimed every shitty thing she saying. No need to speak French to understand her!

I love the way Clooney misquotes it in OUT OF SIGHT: "I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take any more of your shit!"

Creating and sustaining atmosphere: a tell-tale sign of a terrible director.


I find the scenes of Don and Sylvia in bed together super stressful. Dr. Rosen could walk through that door at any minute! It's like the last scene of Breaking Bad's most recent season, which made me actually sweat.