
That's awesome. I've always felt that that's really the only one to fund a project through KS and have it be "fair" and it's good to see he thinks that too.

Hardy's growing disgust at the Horror Convention and its crowd is too wonderful for words.

That's a fair point, though I can't lie and say it bothers me. The facts are out there, and anyone gullible enough to come away thinking Spector could be innocent would be disabused of the notion 15 seconds into a Google search.

Eh, I don't give a shit how crazy Mamet is as long as he makes stuff this entertaining.

What a sloppy, unfocused mess. The core concept (the new v. old guard magicians) is fine for hanging a dumb comedy off of, but they have no idea which way to go with it - is it about the magicians changing with the times? Staying true to the old "Wow Factor" methods? Is it about Burt and Anton, and their friendship

Archer's "Busted! You did get sleep last night" was one of the biggest laughs I've ever gotten from this show. Just so perfectly timed and delivered.

Glenn Kenny, cineaste and stickler extraordinare, gave it as close to a rave as it's likely to get.

I saw this on a Sunday morning in a half-full house in Manhattan. Myself (and everybody else) was with it the whole time, but I kept wondering what the movie's "out" was - basically, how would they get out of all the really heinous stuff and bring it in for a landing?

With a campus full of hyper-film-literate students and staff, you'd think one of them would recognize the word McGuffin.

Parks feels overly familiar. Community feels overly foreign.

First, the good stuff: I liked that they didn't backpedal on Jeff's arc and actually seemed to find a way for him to keep growing while being same old Jeff. And they're handling Britta and Troy in an interesting way, enough to give them the benefit of the doubt. But that's kind of the only promising notes in an

Trust me, you lucked out. And I don't even know what Gonzaga basketball even is.

Wait, she was in Edmond? I wasn't a huge fan of that movie, though I did find it memorable (that last shot!) but I have no memory of Pidgeon in that movie.

I give Ocean's 12 a pass because it takes a lot of balls to follow up one of the feel-good, engineered-for-fun-and-nothing-but movies of all time with a really depressing sequel where the heroes continually fail and fuck-up, and only win by cheating (with one instance of extraordinary luck).

@avclub-cfe912f5cb3aa572bd1c9ae2a9b82207:disqus I know I liked Edmond, but I don't really remember it (save for that very memorable last shot), and have no memory of Pidgeon in it at all.

@avclub-64eec0c3fb6b12c43f51ec9e9c773fed:disqus That's a fair point - 'Spanish Prisoner' and 'Heist' are really him chasing that 'House of Games' dragon, though I think they both have entertaining moment. I will say, in his last few films (specially thinking of 'Spartan' and 'Redbelt'), he's gotten the big turn/twist

I'm definitely still a fan; "On Directing Film" is one of my favorite books ever. I know he's gone off the deep end as of late (going from being a personal friend of the Kerry family to appearing on the Rush Limbaugh show in less than 5 years!) but talent-wise, he's still got it. However, knowing that (SPOILER,

It looks like Mamet was unhappy with his reputation of late, and to earn some good will he decided to make a movie vindicating a guy whose 911 call included the phrase "I think I've killed someone."

Perfect usage of the word "chachkas".

I definitely found her charming. Yeah, she does keep spending as though nothing's going wrong, but as she says herself, he's kept her totally in the dark regarding their finances.