
(Points to username, loudly coughs)

This is a great confluence of comment and avatar.

This is a great confluence of comment and avatar.

would make = be forced to

would make = be forced to

No one - not Don, not anyone - could have "prevented" Lane's suicide. Lane put himself on a self-destructive path the moment that he forged Don's signature, and this is how Lane and Lane alone chose to resolve it. Don treated him with more compassion and understanding than anyone else in that office would have.

No one - not Don, not anyone - could have "prevented" Lane's suicide. Lane put himself on a self-destructive path the moment that he forged Don's signature, and this is how Lane and Lane alone chose to resolve it. Don treated him with more compassion and understanding than anyone else in that office would have.

When the signature slow-mo shot happens about 2/3rds of the way though, I was thinking, "This would be a really weird place to end this movie."

When the signature slow-mo shot happens about 2/3rds of the way though, I was thinking, "This would be a really weird place to end this movie."

Wait, what in Life Aquatic, Darjelling, or Fox are happening outside Anderson's usual aesthetic? Mr. Fox wears a tweed suit, for Christ's sake.

Wait, what in Life Aquatic, Darjelling, or Fox are happening outside Anderson's usual aesthetic? Mr. Fox wears a tweed suit, for Christ's sake.

These shaky-cam shitty horror movies are the only genre where a C- review is practically glowing. I could see catching a matinee of this.

These shaky-cam shitty horror movies are the only genre where a C- review is practically glowing. I could see catching a matinee of this.

I totally thought that Marnie was on the other end laughing, not crying, at that very thing.

Yeah, I felt the show was definitely missing that Adult-Who-Cleans-Up-The-Mess role that Malcolm filled so well. But it also has double the Young Douchebag characters, so I can give it a pass for now.

Thanks for the heads up, though I'm already dreading the long stretches of bleeps. Will I get to hear Peter Capaldi do anything more than inhale before each sentence?

I'm not that familar with the guy's work, but two years ago, he performed at one of Rifftrax's live events. He only did 5 minutes, but it looked like he did because he liked those guys and wanted to play. Thought that was incredibly cool of him; maybe I'll check this out, even though I can't stand most "storytelling"

Newhart: man, talk about a finale that would just not work today. Imagine if "How I Met Your Mother" ended with Bob Saget waking up in the "Full House" house. The TWOP commenters would be marching down the streets with Neil Patrick Harris's head on a stick.

I've always liked this episode - what a gleefully fucked-up way to end a show that was both wildly misanthropic and wildly popular. And for a show that always had its characters experience exaggerated highs and lows, isn't jail time for NOT doing anything kind of perfect?

I would call shenanigans on that, only because if you watch 5 minutes of Dan Rather or Brian Williams, or Ted Koppel in either long, live coverage (like election night) or talk-show interviews, it's fairly clear to see where they stand politically.