
Don’t worry, the next batch will be out soon enough.

If this is a story about donations to a cause that you don’t like, it should be about Bogue, a venture capitalist and executive. It shouldn’t be about his wife, who’s more recognizable and gets more attention. But then if the story is about Mayer, a much more relevant and buzzworthy topic, it shouldn’t be a story at

Welcome, cablecutters, to your al-la-carte future!

A less successful effort.

They just get angrier and snarkier around here when you call them out on their intellectual dishonesty. It’s not worth it.

Reading his timeline, it seems like he was actually objecting to the word “fuck.” Specifically, it being on the cover of the New York Times, and that he would have preferred “f***.” It’s a little old fashioned, but I don’t think it’s as colossally stupid as you make it out to be.

If they had thrown a soda can instead of beer, would it have counted as a pop fly?

I don’t give a shit if his uncle is God.

Welcome to Jalopnik, Mr. Pence.

Fuck off, lib.

Frank gave us The Endless Farm.

It really is. It’s like eating dry Grape Nuts, but for my brain.

Considering Jordan Sargent is still employed here, it means they’re not headed in the right direction.

Gawker rose to prominence on the back of an app that made it possible to stalk celebrities. They traded in gossip, innuendo, and tabloid journalism. They did anything and everything for clicks and ad revenue, including outing private citizens and publishing sex tapes.

So, no mention of The Long Dark which it clearly draws some inspiration from?

I really wish more survival games would drop the meters. It’s not fun, it’s extremely boring and tedious having to manage food/water and sleep every few minutes(because most games are horribly balanced) that make you stop and go from actually playing the game.

Well most of her writing is drek, so....

I’m the best breast gazer. You’d be surprised at how great I am at breast gazing. People who know me are always like, wow Donald, you have a terrific eye for breast gazing. Oh, and Ashley Judd? Love her, she has tremendous breasts, really phenomenal breasts.