
How the shit is he doing all this from the bench!? Oh wait, that's just my bench he's on. :(

Damn. Just more proof of how classless you Gooners are

That's not how you win the Ballon d'Or Mario.

You just described the NFL in America. The American attitude towards soccer is different than other countries, but not towards sports as a whole. Soccer is an emerging game in our country, much like American football is in European countries. I'd venture a guess that the good people of Scotland are rooting for the

Nah. Root for whomever you want to root for. You don't owe any club shit.

Oh, fuck off.

Towards the tail end of this past World Cup, more than a few readers emailed us looking for guidance on how to

"Sorry about that. Here, have some blankets..."

Reporter: So those goggles, is that a reference to Steve Smith's earlier comments?

Reporter: So what do you think about WAR?

Hunter Pence washes his own mouth out with soap.


As a native american I find this whole debate silly. IF you are uptight and have no life wouldn't priority #1 be the mascot "Sooners" aka people who cheated and stole Indian land before it was legally available? To me IF I had no life and was offended by silly things that seems much worse than "Redskins" but I can't

I must admit, I'm not on the fence on this issue but I'm not exactly impassioned about it. The "Redskin" term itself I understand can sound offensive to people. But I have this sneaking suspicion that once Snyder is broken (on this issue I mean, one could argue that's already the case) and the name changes the

Now playing

This has nothing to do with your thread but digging this song!

Watch baseball...good one.

From my religious-conservative childhood, I believe evangelicals use the word "mysticism" to mean spiritual insights that come from within (meditation, tarot cards, divination, etc.), as opposed to insights that come from the Bible. From their point of view, the former cannot be trusted and are probably of Satanic

This Home Depot breach is out of control.