
"Hahaha, noob, hahaha" - Salvador Dalí

This is actually pretty great for both Suarez and the kids. He can impart on them the benefit of his wisdom teeth.

While it might suck for Suarez, it's got to be pretty cool for the teens who are sharing the pitch, right? Maybe they'll pick up some moves.

Luckily, Canada does not have a Congress.

You do understand the concept that "technically factually accurate" and "offensive" are not mutually exclusive, right?

No, please. Gyan. I'm listening.

The Tequesta Indians lived in South Florida until the mid-1700s, when they were wiped out by disease.

Ferry later tweeted that Magic is a pretty nice guy for someone with a little AIDS in him.

This dude is to soccer, as Ozzie Guillen is to baseball.

Do those loud hits we hear on TV really hurt that bad?

I love to see my teammates be successful. Blocking for them, or being a decoy or whatever. THe more succesful we are as a team the better it is for everyone

No wonder you can't keep a job.

Is Joe Flacco a Elite QB?

Of course he picked it up. It's his contract extension.

Hmm...finishing fast never seems like a successful strategy for me.

[Trainer] "LeSean, what's 20% of $61.56?"

Is Joe Flaco a Elite qb?

that pictures a offensive charactization of White men pls remove it