
TFW you don't know if you're being trolled or not.


Right? If there’s one word I think of when I hear the name Steve Jobs it’s spineless pushover.

Kinja fucked up so I guess I’ll add my second point here. A NFL minor league system to me from a purely logistical stand point seems like the much more viable option. There is a huge demand for football in this country, and something both players and teams could benefit from long term. The key to this would be the NFL

Good article, thoroughly enjoyed it. The sad reality is college football is a lot closer to being scraped then they are to paying players. In NCAA’s point of view it opens up a can of worms they are not ready to deal with right, wrong, or indifferent.

NBA street did it first.

LUL have you even ever seen boobs? Because I haven't...

In so as people calling him a bitch and saying suspend him for half the season, pearl clutching etc. Yes I am, it was stupid but it’s not something he shouldn’t be able to comeback from. He's a kid, I know I did some stuff as a kid in athletics I would like to take back.

We bought a forward!?!?! I for one will believe it when I see him in kit and not a moment before

Fair point on the midsection there are flack jackets though. He’s a piece of garbage, really? He’s a high school kid, he made a mistake suspend him and hopefully move on. There's two sides to every story and people don't just randomly kick others for the most part.

Not trying to start a flame war and don't totally disagree but there's a big disconnect between isil and al Qaeda namely Syria and Obama was very involved in that.

... I’ve heard a lot of stupid shit in my life but respect the government that allowed you to become wealthy? Literally never heard anyone even make that connotation. Standing for the flag and anthem is about respecting our military and our principles as a country. If you don’t agree with it, don’t stand, that’s one

This is actually light compared to the testicle grabbing and eye poking that goes on at the bottom of dog piles. It still was a stupid thing to do but it’s something to learn from, not half a season worth of learning. I’ve seen worse on the practice field and locker room between teammates. Your probably not hurting

Excuse me sir, but bear Friday is a PG and family friendly post zone. Don’t bring that Gawker skullduggery to our sweet and innocent bear meanderings.

I just thought it was his real name, and all I could do was be impressed. Also, high.

Nothing insightful to share, you just seem like a raging asshole.


This is stupid and all you applauding her for wasting peoples time and money to “prove a point” need to grow the fuck up.

“there’s a far longer track record of him playing like an elite quarterback than a decrepit one” ... in the regular season.

This messi guy seems to be coming along, every other week he does something worthy of a highlight on here. He’s no Dele Alli, though.... yet.