
He got out at 20 apparently. For some reason I remember shortly after that some kid did wwf wrestling moves on his sister and she died, and they tried him the same way.

I’ll listen and respect a child’s opinion until when it comes down to brass tax, and the children don’t want to spend time with one parent. In this instance, as seemingly stated in the above post, the children’s preference shouldn’t be taken into account because, like in many other places in society (sex, politics,

Fair enough. Abusive people obviously shouldn’t be around children, period, is kind of a non-starter.

uh, I would say a satire of white people complaining about race. Its like winning the lottery and complaining about the taxes.

That’s not what I’m saying though, I am not trying to kid defend the judges actions. But these kids don’t get to decide if their dad is or isn’t capable or if they do or do not want to see them. We start putting that decision in kids hands, every kid in America will choose one place or another to stay. I know as a

excuse me, i must go shower again

I’m from Clarkston originally, who was that//

Way to bring in abuse in a situation where there’s no mention of it. Just because you dont like being around a parent as a child, gives you no grounds for altering visitation. This mother, because as I said their is no mention of abuse, should do the right thing by the father of her children and make them visit their

That sounds like my sisters reasoning for not having a relationship with our mom or her grandkids for that matter. “I don’t even like mom as a person”.. Newsflash neither do I but I love her and want her to be happy.

Poor dad, kids don't even wanna hang out with him. This dude very well could be Colin farrell in true dectitive.

*scrolls to bottom* ... “Ok, we cool.”

I don’t see it as one of those “see!!1! women have no place in sports things” more of a “ugh, not only is this person a pro athlete, they flaunt their good looks.”

It’s not as fun to watch, but its intriguing for different reasons. The mens game is so quick its hard as a spectator to process all that’s going on in games a lot of times, you focus on the ball. The women s game is slowed down a touch and you get to really appreciate the individual “games within the games” the one

this says everything wrong with hollywood so succintly. pictures do speak 1000 words

only from the internet would you be able to connect Junior Galette and Selena Gomez in one degree

Is that what it is though, really? Like to outside people? Everyone Believes they arent rascist. But As a matter of fact i have heard racist idealogy in marxism, read on the jewish problem.

Oh. If that’s so then why does it have to come from the mouth of Karl Marx, a legitimate Jewish anti-semite.

For sure. I’ll be the first to admit I have no solutions to the problems I pose, and am probably asking to be confounded. That doesn’t mean it still doesn’t bother me.

Looking at that picture I’m trying to think who would elect this guy.

OK! thanks for letting me know.