
Did you know his parents were white?

Really a shame, Thai women do nothing for me.

fuck yeah 2 cellos

Bought it yesterday. Already getting into side missions because I get bitch slapped by the Griffin everytime!

Of all the things that have happened in this show the implied rapes make it feel like a lifetime special. The part where the Hound has to save Sansa is particularly cringe worthy, though. This show thrives on shock and awe.

yall see Sam get some though? #ohohohmy

Agreed. Sell him and one of AOC or Walcott (preferably Chamberlain) and get a true #1 holding mid and a #1 striker. Giroud misses too many gimme goals.

LOL who fuckin watches syfy on a Sunday morning?

Thats hilarious he looks the same.

Now playing

I’m feeling a little sentimental tonight. This is dedicated to my first girlfriend ever, Kristina, and aol instant messenger.

What are the chances the Lil B is an a)an alien or b)a wizard? I say there is about a 60% chance he is one or the other.

no rest for the self-righteous

Ryans a jerk, Kelly needs to move on.

No matter what the logo is, DUCKS FLY TOGETHER.

Cool, thanks I’m definetly going to get it. Yeah, Dragon Age was good it just felt like it could of been better in a lot of ways, including setting and side quests got old quick. Overall good game though.

Cool, thanks. I’ll definetly be looking for it this weekend.

Yup you got me pegged down good, its probably because you watch all the smart shows.

And I thank god for that.

But seriously, Letterman sucks.