

I know right? Lets supress those opinions that we generally disagree with.

History repeats itself as a colt galvanizes redskins.

Honestly, these two need a reality show.. ok maybe Salvador Perez needs a reality show.

I have a hard time believing you're an attorney anywhere, that is all.


Lol you answered that one yourself.

Ya its very dangerous to throw "potshots" at somebody via anonymous source... whaa? And why would an nba agent not named rob pelinka fear kobe?

Showing solidarity for breat cancer, they made their first down graphic resemble incision marks.

still hurts my eyes

Necessary evil

Is Roy Hudson like the English version of Jim Ross? He seems like a gem.

Hard to say, hes gonna be a first round pick tho. Tre Waynes remember the name

this is a little overboard in my opinion. Flagged and suspended, ok. Barred from cfb? Nah. Yes, he had poor form with the head down, do I think he was thinking let me knock helmets with this guy? No. There's a effective concept in football it's called lower than the lowest, and I think he made a mistake trying to do

fuck it, nevermind about that shot.

You guys heard his new single? Its called "Toramitucky (wait whose winning?)"

I would chalk it up to that, the sheer size of a soccer pitch, and the leeway between different soccer officials on what exactly a foul is.

"Strong taek, Kati. Plaese talk to me" - PFTC

Fair point. Although I would say "selling" a running into the kicker penalty is not directly comparable to the more discreationary slide tackles and pushing in pulling in soccer. I would also contend that in as far as selling fouls, its common place in all major team sports, none more than soccer and few less than