
what's OK with leaving a 9 year old child at the park? Not "letting kid play" like you're fucking mike erhmentraut but physically leaving them at the park?

kinda looked like she was mimicking a face mask, but that ain't funny.

if ANY president got caught lying about an affair with a subordinate it is a really big deal. Poor slick Willy.

as a u of m fan (hangs head in shame) I believe it's pronounced ses-sahn-tay. He probably was never going to see the field, still embarrassing.

Wink if you need the chair

tell em bautista

what did you expect from Michael Bay?

she has no ankle, just look at lack of ankle.

Robin Williams taught me at the tender age of six in the movie, HOOK, the difference between living and being ALIVE. I feel like he had that effect on many youths over many years.

see it now

arcade games will always be my favorite. This Simpsons arcade and time crisis are probably my favorite

what's this beautiful song?

SMOKE if you're out there buddy, you did great.

Puts a whole new meaning on the phrase .. well you know:)

a body thrown 50 yards? You know how far that is right? Half a football field. I'm not even sure being hit by a bullet train would do that.

ya most people who don't get invited aren't apt to like them

Lol I can't even be mad at you, how do you feel about fedoras tho?

Ive never seen a person so thoroughly contradict themselves in a matter of two sentences.

PS it's not my fault you hate your life, I shouldn't have to here you're shitty self congratulatory opinions.

that's it, you win. Absolutely best party guest imaginable.