


most people cut their boys. I haven't seen an uncircumcised winkie in about 20 years. Full disclosure: haven't been looking.

Pictured: Pouncey practicing his new snap technique for the upcoming season.

Agreed. I went to high school in MI at a public school powerhouse (3 consecutive state champs, 2 Mr. Hockeys when I was in school) and one of the two Mr. Hockey's would literally do something akin to this every game. I guess thats why hes the captain (was, maybe still is) at Bowling Green. The other Mr. Hockey would

I've always felt that 75% of college running backs could make it in the NFL. What makes a teams running game is and always will be offensive linemen.

Sorry about your luck, Kyle!


I'm just happy to see V. Stiviano has moved on so quickly.

Hunter Pence takes pictures in the driver seat of other people's cars.


I am paying for my college education, are you? You're really good at making statements as empirical facts without any evidence. I gave reasons for my argument.

Land that they probably stole from the previous tribes of the area. Listen, Im not condoning the name "Redskins", if Native Americans want it changed it should be changed. Native Americans are no longer oppressed in this society. In fact, they've been given priveledges that you and I (whities) don't get. That is

I am? Ok, how so? Because they don't complain about it does not make it any less true.

who complained about the mascot of the Warriors and raiders, specifically?

the fact, just like in the redskins commercial, they never called themselves vikings. Its not their name.

your the one that made the point that they both dance! One did it at practice (we talking about practice?) One did it before a game, which Peyton would never do. Terrible comparison

Lol wut m8? Idk I ain't your daddy but thanks for validating my original post. Now excuse me I have to go to work, enjoy the rest of your summer vacation, fucktard!

ps you should write a book on real and fake racism so you all these self righteous know it alls can read it in public.

what if he just genuinely didn't agree with walls actions? Would you absolve him of his insidious racism?