

its actually chelsea now, but he appreciates it all the same.

long been satisfied, brother. and thank you.

Culpepper had a 4700 yard year. Id say thats pretty good.

But, what about Dale Jr.? How do you feel about him?

Not even the Giants would make a move that stupid.

Sir, Darren Sproles and Trent Richardson would like to have a word with you.

furthermore, if that is what those ppl are saying in that facebook post, thats exactly what germans (nationalists, not all) said about them in ww2. can we not conclude that they are misguided and/or shortsighted and we have the wearwithal to know better. sooner or later someone has to take the high road, they will be

i can understand you being upset and can't even imagine what your family is going thru. however, i dont see any resolution until both sides admit they are wrong. whether its isreal or hamas' fault is really arbitrary at this point. an eye for an eye is no way to go thru life, more crudely i dont think its a fight

This is really good and interesting. The only way its going to get solved if both sides stop playing the victim and admit culpability. Which, reading from the comments below, not even uninterested parties are doing. STOP GIVING PEOPLE EXCUSES FOR KILLING! NO MATTER WHO STARTED IT! Be a bigger person than that.

Your speaking from a point of knowledge so I'll engage. Is the American media lying about the terror tunnels and human shields? Genuinely curious. And how do you qualify that answer? You said us as in you're Palestinian.

I realized why people consider you a good writer. Its because you have a voice, I knew it was you before the end of the first paragraph.

its ok, im jealous too.

I know, right? Why does everyone else care about Belicheck's napoleonic dream of having an all white skill postions package?

Cool story. But did you see that guys brain move around in his head? Pretty awesome!

Can't blame him for the beard, he looks like Melissa McCarthy without it.

Still tough when Ben Wallace isn't in his ear. Fuck this guy.

is this real life?

nah, he was refered to as another italian delicasy at milan

Im not a racist, but .. crenshaw3 is a sexist.