
That second picture from bottom. Klinnsman love child?

What did I just read?

By the way, just cause you seem like an extra special kind of misled, republicans freed the slaves. Read a history book... period.

take it to gawker, shitdick.

[Makes a joke about our commander and chief.] Kill yourself.

Communism is the end game to Socialism, ask Marx himself.

One of his jobs is to motivate the players, and this guy is really not far at all from the major leagues.Hes probably coached quite a few major leaguers, its not like hes a little league coach by any means. Being a baseball coach is probably one of the ten best jobs at that college and I wouldn't be suprised if he

Knew it. Darren Rovell has been on to you guys from day one.

Ya, but hes not "helping his cause." - Elitist Baseball Geriatric

Just wanted to say, I've only noticed you on deadspin since about the new year which coincided with my starting to follow soccer (bought fifa 14) and I enjoy your writing. I don't know if I'm such a novice that anything seems like insight, but I appreciate it! Always read your articles on deadspin.

he was literally doing it the entire game. that or kicking an out ball to the middle of the pitch. then theres his hair...

As a person who chews tobacco, I constantly find myself moving my pinch around in my mouth away from the areas it hurts. I also have areas in my mouth where you can see indentations from where the tobacco would be. Scary. I should quit I know. But it does make sense that direct contact causes cancer. I have friends

Milo from the trap

You guys should stop making predictions.

well played maddened, well played.

its all fun and games til somebody gets stabbed.