
The economics of porn are bad. It’s the most pirated entertainment medium in existence, so there’s no real revenue stream. There was a time when people paid for it, but that time is over. So even if the performers got royalties, there isn’t much action to take a slice out of.

And if you don’t like a different phone!

I think he’ll be okay when he realizes he can probably end up with a much more attractive and well-adjusted lady

Been waiting for y’all to write about Air Yordan for the last few weeks—the guy is a monster, the next coming of Albert Pujols

Yeah, like I said above, InBev bought out Karbach a couple years ago, and the beer still tastes the same imo.

Which is a complete nonsense doctrine that has pervaded the internet in the last couple of years. Congrats on being another rube parroting it.

Well those are asymmetrical forms of “persecution” for one thing. One being a rude tweet by a private citizen that causes no physical harm and the other being imprisonment by the state backed by a direct threat of violence.

Bad news about that childhood farm that took in your pets

I don’t think this is real

Highly dependent on the state, how enforceable those are and the term you can apply to them, e.g. I was thinking of InBev acquiring Karbach here in Houston, Texas—where you can really only get a court to enforce a non-compete for about a year (unfortunately there are conflicting precedents here)

I mean—these acquisitions put cash in the hands of craft brewers, lots of cash. They can go out and create new beers while the craft brews they created can be scaled up more.

Honestly what I take away from this is we ought to just have harsher sentencing for violent criminals, which this guy was and is

He won a championship with Syracuse his freshman year (his only year playing in college)

Probably several dozen in Europe, Asia, and Africa but who never tried and washed out of their local soccer league instead

Wow, Nashville flies non-stop to London?

Davy technically didn’t win at the Alamo either

Wade Miley w/ a 3.06 ERA over 126 innings is a pretty damn good fourth man too

I bet he is going back the full 100 years given the dearth of relief pitching as you go back in time

An option is not an imprimatur, so if you interpreted my statement as a suggestion to you personally, that’s an error of inference.

In the Raiders’ defense, Al Davis never met Tom Cable