
I don’t think much of those evangelical Christians in our government either—it’s a big reason why I’m suspicious of letting in more religious wackos.

Well Islam is not a race. You can’t just “be Muslim” without actively subscribing to a certain set of beliefs, and doing so is a choice. So let’s dispense with the nonsense that I’m judging her by anything other than how she thinks. Like I don’t have any problem with Coptic Egyptians or Maronite Lebanese flowing into

Listen, I’d rather just get vaporized by the flash of light

Not necessarily. Your worst case scenario would be that. But the American Indians fought a 400 year resistance campaign against a similar invasion, and that was after 99% of them were wiped out by plagues at first contact.

Well I think she’s free to judge assless chaps however she pleases, but the form of government she comes from would ban them.

I mean if you’re going to pretend that aspects of Christian fundamentalism are absent in Islam as commonly practiced, that’s just being willfully dumb

Well the women being forced to wear tarps and subordinate themselves in every aspect of their lives don’t have a choice. Their condition is imposed on them by a tyrannical worldview made manifest in backward theocratic governments.

Why was the FBI involved in investigating NCAA violations a couple years ago (investigations that included wiretaps)? Apparently the role of the state includes the enforcement of bylaws.

This is a puerile belief born of a poor education, weakly pursued by the student. It’s lazy and stupid and facile and demonstrative of the low quality of person who visits this website, which is a joke

Serious question for you as a Bernie supporter, heading into the fractious primary: have you ever been with a woman before?

How the hell do they not call *this* one Ballghazi

Agree with your point that he should have been removed. Disagree with proletarian editorial you’ve slathered the point with.

But you do owe other people nothing, and imaginary friendship debt is not the basis for any lasting human relationship

Cutting ties with an ex doesn’t make you a “toxic narcissist” and the podcast is addressing a set of complainants who have cited specific problems with their exes—to which the easy solution is to just move on.

Possibly controversial because the anthem in question is for the country that was the Confederacy’s bitterest enemy and which ultimately destroyed it and freed the slaves in it.

It was substantially the entire news cycle of August 2016

Gabe loves to slather his reporting with smug, presumptive editorial, pre-empting any retort by calling the readerstupid” for not immediately agreeing with him. I feel like this is a generational trend, plaguing blogs everywhere (or whatever blogs call themselves now).

This was a giant international scandal, Ryan Lochte is now universally regarded as a moron, and he lost all his sponsorships worth many millions of dollars. The only reason he wasn’t charged by the Brazilians is he fled the country.

Amanda Knox? Are you fucking serious?