
He certainly should have been arrested for disturbing the peace, which you can’t do on someone else’s private property—which this cafe was

No idea why you think being a “lefty liberal hippie” means you’d support a free market for labor with bidders and sellers unconstrained by stupid regulations like the one and done rule

Bumbershoot is actually a fake British word

Just because we don’t say toff or chav or bumbershoot or whatever, doesn’t mean we don’t know what those weird words mean

I’d be more smug about it, but I thought it was fairly obvious

I don’t know—it seems like a lot of these are just regular crimes. From the Vox article:

Yeah, you would think that was a joke, but he’s actually that dumb:

Are you saying you would have been a con artist if you had been born white and issued all the secret financing passwords at birth?

I do not “like” someone who thinks Soviet bread lines are good, who praises the Castro regime while chiding doctors who flee that regime, who throws shit at a wall policy-wise without any thought into what he’s proposing, who has demonstrated again and again and again his economic illiteracy while issuing strident

That the drinking age in this country is so absurdly high should be the real story here

Being a rich white billionaire

I mean it’s on cnn now, come on

If you thought what he was saying were ridiculous, you wouldn’t be so incensed

The original quote actually is that the plural of anecdote is data

He had already made $43 million in cash before taxes, all of it since the 2008 financial crisis (so anything he invested in during that interval is probably worth ~2x-3x and much more if he invested in SF property or businesses)

Speaking of, I bet Bryan Adams fucking hates this guy

Fair enough--good reply

It’s because this guy was just a club caddie, not a professional tour caddie, and they worked out the deal ahead of time

Check the unemployment rate in European countries where those strikes are common

This is great stuff