
Actually a heightened sense of empathy would allow you to put yourself in these people’s shoes, understand their situation and their decision making process, and conclude conclusively that these people were fucking idiots

I like it how the pitcher still threw the ball to first base in case it was a bunt

Maybe I’m Unsilent Majority not as funny as a previous generation of commenters

So the USMNT is like the 2014 Astros?

They only started doing this very recently and only on some broadcasts

Hamilton’s right

Their bags fly free policy is a big reason why they have such a fast turnaround time. Fewer carryons.

It helps that all their planes are 737s and there are no assigned seats, so the planes are completely fungible

This is a great example of a government lacking accountability to the constituents it’s tasked with serving, something inherent to any system not motivated by markets. Needless to say, Splinter’s thesis is that free markets are at fault for the state of Iowa’s failure, and its prescription is a massive expansion of

Serious question: is there a law in NC (or anywhere else) against installing recording devices in your own private home? Is there a law against secretly filming dinner party guests for example?

It’s almost as if this is a fringe movement being used by the left to strawman any opposition to their dream of democratic socialism

People whose last words were Obama”

Look it happened a long time ago

Have a good answer handy for “what have you been up to lately?”

There’s a good argument to be made that sabermetrics has shown the wisdom of strategies that produce more boring games, three-true-outcomes etc

“Yeetus that fetus” -Luigi Vincenzo Calamari

He was on my fantasy team when I was in college. I am now 37.

The Longhorns finished 7-6 in Tom Herman’s first season, winning their Mr. Pibb Bowl game against Missouri to push themselves over .500 for the first time in three years.

That logo looks like a place to get color copies in 1994

That’s a clown question, bro