
People talk about collusion in the context of Kaepernick and ignore it in the context of the NFL draft, which is a massive conspiracy to suppress labor costs through non-market salaries

Everyone has a right to work in their chosen profession for millions of dollars per year, Hannibal

We live in a ruthlessly capitalistic meritocracy right now—the results are highly unequal because people are highly unequal, and that, from some perspectives, is the problem

Most men, if falsely accused of battering a woman, would at least spend some time and energy denying the accusation or clarifying what exactly happened, which Osuna has not done at all


I played HS baseball in Houston in the late ‘90s and batted against Josh Beckett my senior was the most demoralizing experience in my athletic life. He struck me out on four pitches; I couldn’t even see any of them.

It’s weird that if you want to eat poultry you have to pleat your case

The incumbent world champions are in the AL West

Look man, I don’t know you, but if you’re trying to get me to care about a bunch of strangers by insulting me, it’s not working. It just convinces me that these people are as unpleasant as you.

You seem to have job (IT, I’m guessing) that allows you to fuck around on the internet all day

I actually made that comment before this article was posted

I have never traded in the fabric, but I appreciate the correction. It makes me feel good that I’m getting some return on all that money I’m paying into the educational system.

I’ve worked hard, but I’ve been lucky too, and I’m glad to help others get back on their feet.

The NFL’s labor conditions are so unfavorable relative to other sports that you have to wonder whether they’re losing talent out to other leagues.

This is like the very dark sequel to Meet Me in Temucula

I’m glad you’re comfortable with that; your comfort is my main objective. I would encourage everyone I talk to to please by all means be comfortable with calling me a “fuckwit” anytime, day or night. As comfortable as you would be in a suit of velure lounging on a bed of feathers

You’re pretty much spot on here—I don’t much care at all about total strangers collectively and in the abstract, which is what I said in my original response

I think you can fund a lot of that stuff at a rate that’s less than 37%, and if I “fucked off” to Nigeria or someplace like that, you’d miss out on a significant share of that 37%, which you need to fund your profligate welfare state

I don’t think this is wrong

I’m not in anyone’s way—I’m just minding my own business and contributing 37% to the commonweal to benefit a lot of dependents who rely on my contributions, much as children or pets would