
The NFL has such a lousy player’s union because there are so many players and so many willing players, and every player except a star QB has far, far less value over replacement than a star basketball player or a star baseball player.

Someone from New Orleans (pronounced “New Orluns”) would certainly say “crawfish” not “crawdad” (or “cray-fish”)

That’s a picture from last night’s game in Philly that had a two hour rain delay

It is because 1) Houston is mainly a football city and 2) Houston is a giant city on the Texas coast surrounded by nothing; it does not really have many surrounding hinterlands like, say, all of New England for Boston

I am kind of surprised that you would report on this and neglect to mention over the weekend that Colin Moran of the Astros broke his face (!) on a foul ball

I clicked on the link. He is not a literal snake oil salesman

He used the word “challenge”. The Soviets did indeed challenge the Germans competitively well before 1944, but they didn’t do by dying. They did it when they stopped dying in such overwhelming numbers.

Soviets efforts probably contributed a solid 1/3 to Allied victory

Resistance in France and Italy was extant, but this is some pretty delusional wishful thinking. Were it not for the efforts of the victorious powers, the Third Reich would still exist today, and those resistance movements would have been eliminated or very contained.

You should read Why the Allies Won by Oxford professor Richard Overy, which details exactly what the title suggests more concisely than many other works.

He is probably named Tommy in the credits because British soldiers of the era were nicknamed “Tommies”

Yeah, but your extreme stance is garbage too, for both argument’s sake and civility’s sake.

Yes, it’s the same guy. No, he was not awful; he just wrote for a different iteration of deadspin.

There’s nothing wrong with having “delusions of Alabama” when you’re Texas since Texas’ program is still the highest revenue generator in college football and the University of Texas is a lot larger, richer, and generally more important than Alabama.

Wypipo here. It doesn’t bother me at all. Why would I give a shit?

This is the same website (or whatever y’all are together) that over on Jalopnik defends the right of neighbors to have a full time mechanic’s garage on a residential street with a deed restriction

Stannis was the previous occupant of Dragonstone and he abandoned it when he got his new army from Bravos and attacked the wall.

Billy Beane is not a fraud. He is in a league whose teams are now run by 29 other Billy Beanes, and his budget is lower.

Just because you like to pretend that genders aren’t real, doesn’t meant the normals have to as well

I lived in London in 2002 and would come back from a bar at like 2am and turn on the TV.