
The LBJ precedent basically

Y’all lost one election by not much. That does not indicate a systemic problem with your strategy. That indicates that the political process goes in cycles

Wipipo here. This is really good—thank you

The guy was unstoppable in the 2015 playoffs. I still have his bobblehead in my office.

He’s the only Stark and he leads the only still-extant army in the North (a coalition he built personally) and he has a great record as Lord Commander and he just killed the rival claimant

Jon is king because he is the only surviving son of Ned Stark as far as anyone knows and because he has experience and a great record in a position of executive leadership and the rules for bastards are bendable in emergencies and throughout the Westerosi history and because he leads the largest surviving army in the

Is that where we take something with a native spelling, like “Colon” and Anglicize it to something like “Columbus”?

You’re the reason no one does anything nice

If everyone lived in their ancestral lands, Ur of the Chaldees would be a damned crowded place by now

HA! I think that is also Valbuena at the bottom

I think the Astros are slightly better than the Dodgers once they get Keuchel and McHugh back

Cleveland is 5-1 against the Stros this year. Terrifying

It’s really tough to pick the Astros’ most horrendous, improbable heartbreaking loss, to say nothing of the other losses, but I think the Royals one was the worst if only because the Pujols-Lidge game was followed by a series win (one that spent Oswalt and cost the WS but still a win that got us there)

Listen man, I know you don’t usually come to this site looking for information about Girls creator and world’s most obvious Oberlin alum Lena Dunham

It’s like you’ve never even heard of Quantico

So are you mad then that Texas has laws against assault with a deadly weapon? I’m confused by your post.

I’m all for trolling, but this kind of stuff is really dumb coming from a guy who was born into vast wealth and privilege thanks to the whole structure of the American system

I mean, people do one man plays in L.A.

re: the Third Century Crisis, solving it, i.e. reconquering basically the whole empire, really fell to one of the most underrated figures in history, Emperor Aurelian, who in his time was called restutitor orbis, “restorer of the world” and then promptly assassinated

You’re right, they didn’t codify people as fractions for their census 230 years ago. They did however enslave tens of millions of people 75 years ago.