
Jesus Christ—Chicago won 12 championships since 1985 including 1 in baseball.

This is the good shit. This was all well-earned.

Texans fan here—I love Andre Johnson and thought he was a bona fide superstar, but he had guys like Sage Rosenfels and Matt Schaub throwing to him for 10 years.

Uber does not exist to provide good union jobs. It exists to give you a ride in a way that previous services were woefully inadequate to do.

Feel like you could have been more specific with Ted

By this logic, you’d be fine starting Steve Young as well

No, your inability to buy a McMansion in Palo Alto doesn’t justify the murderous, violent overthrow of a stable democratic order with a large nuclear weapons arsenal.

Y’all won a world series in 2005 though. I was there.

re: “go help them” - just get off the plane and get out of the way


Some future Edward Gibbon will mark this moment as being very meaningful

Fallon is the human embodiment of Dale Carnegie’s book

Roy Oswalt, Roy Halladay, Roy Hobbs (fictional)

Weird that I agree with Hamilton Nolan on something.

That’s actually just a run-on sentence

Do you deny that a policy of conventional brinksmanship with Russia in a highly volatile area can cause other unintended sequences of events? Read Guns of August by Barbara Tuchman or rent Thirteen Days you smug shithead.

I’m not on board with Trump, but Aleppo serves no American strategic interest, and their lives—all of them—are orders of magnitude less valuable in the aggregate than the sum total of all lives in every NATO country

I saw them win Game 4 in Houston—it’s an odd thing seeing another team celebrate their championship in your home stadium.

He is a lot handsomer

A great specific example of the degeneracy of this form of government related to your comment is the Athenian prosecution of the Peloponessian War.