
His nickname is “El Graf Spee”

You can ask to pour your own wine. It’s not that big a deal.

Stop making dumbfuck points, and people will stop harassing you

They are fucking criminals, and many people in their front office belong in prison.

Decanting a new wine absolutely works to make it taste less “tart”, especially a Cabernet.

That’s not what the word “poignant” means fyi. Seriously, google it now.

Nah, I’m right

Houston has far more heart-wrenching and tragic losses than any current contender including the worst playoff comeback loss in NFL history (and that one was to Buffalo). It was so bad the team left town in disgrace.

He’s like 14, and he died doing what Starks do best: being an idiot

Adolf Hitler was a white male

Battle discussion (the Big One not the rout in the Bay):

These were the sort of comments that made Deadspin great back in the day

I think you should calm down a bit

“Wake me up when someone”

Is this to scale?

This is false. Beer is far better out of aluminum cans poured into glass.

This is kind of like me except I was left wing until I got my first paycheck

I’ve spent a lot of time out in the sun, and am a big fan of Coppertone 8 because it does a good job of balancing a tan with sunburn prevention. It also stings a lot less than every other brand.

Isn’t this the exact kind of word for word quoting we were talking about with Carlos GomeZ?

GRRM wrote GOT in 1996, so Hodor’s reveal has been planned for over 20 years now and never leaked. That’s insane.