I don't know, call me cynical but I can't help but feel that the sorts of girls who are going for these fellas in Cancun or Fort Lauderdale are the same sort who'd go for these fellas in Columbus or Ann Arbor.
I don't know, call me cynical but I can't help but feel that the sorts of girls who are going for these fellas in Cancun or Fort Lauderdale are the same sort who'd go for these fellas in Columbus or Ann Arbor.
Surely it's fake? Ie the women were in on it and pretending not to know? Because he was perfectly positioned and he couldn't have known how to get in that perfect position without the camera person guiding him.
Thank you. I'm not a vegetarian (though I was for a long time, and still eat relatively little meat), but I was reading this and going "not causation." LOTS of people end up on vegetarian diets in order to help deal with existing health issues already.
This is a measurement, not a conclusion! Many people adopt a vegetarian diet because they want to feel better, i.e. they already have a health problem. And it's no secret that some people handle vegetarianism very badly (substituting meat with cheese, or eating the same diet minus the meat, or eating stuff that either…
I worked at McDonald's on and off for 4 years and have never heard of this.
I was trying to avoid spoilers but the internet is apparently made entirely of HIMYM spoilers today. I must say I'm relieved, because now I don't have to watch the last half of Season 8, or any of Season 9.
In 2008 Brad Pitt "transitioned" into Robert Redford officially.
There are no "sides" other than facts (warming globe, more extreme weather patterns, danger to food supply, danger to coastal cities) vs complete and utter ignorance. The consensus amongst people who actually study the subject is so strong and well supported by evidence, being on the "other side" just means you're…
And there are good solid people on both sides of the aisle
That's a thong. THESE are Granny panties.
Those...don't look like any granny panties I've ever seen. They look like high waisted bikini cuts or something similar. Granny panties cover a lot more flesh.
Isn't it a cigarillo? Cigarillos are so chic.
I've said "No thank you :)" to lots of men on OKC.
It's a lot of "fuck you bitch" and "You don't have to be so rude" type messages I get back.
Not related but sorta related smart phone oh shit threads! GO!
Yeah...that phenomenon is actually less uncommon than you might think.
Right, because we all totally have the skill-set to be accountants. Why didn't I THINK OF THAT! The world needs a MILLION accountants, all of us!
Little People of America, along with several other similar groups, have written petitions and letters to Chelsea asking her to stop her systematic dehumanization of little people on her show and to consider the ramifications of her viewers seeing her treat him like a subhuman mascot, night after night.
I was around when a friend who works for delta got notified that passengers found a note in their bags that said, "fuck you and your heavy bag". That seemed "a tad bit" more mean spirited, but I never heard anything about it in the news or he company or anything. Strange. Some stories catch, some don't.
The only reason I'm studying art is because I got a full scholarship to the school and it's my dream to be a professional photographer. If I can't find a job right out of school, I'm going to go to trade school and study to become an electrician or an IT worker.
I want to use the nice materials. I really do! But I can't afford it!