
I definitely felt better about myself for a little while when I moved from NYC to Ohio. I was suddenly the thin girl of most groups. But then I started putting on weight, because I wasn't walking as much, and I was eating more of the crap they think is normal there. Now I live in California, and I've started taking

i am super excited about this version of annie. little black girls are always in need of positive images of themselves, and little girls of other colors need those images just as much to counter all the terrible things about there that show black girls as well...not girls at all. not to mention the incredible

It's a physics joke, not a racist joke! OH MY GOD, THE SCIENCE LITERACY IN THIS COUNTRY!

Courtney and one of the Four Horseman.

Oh $CHARACTERIZATION $PETNAME, I ache with longing for the merest glimpse of your $BODY_PART. Fly to me, my $INFANT_ANIMAL, and let us spend the entire $TIME_PERIOD celebrating our $KINK.

The one true criteria is riding horses shirtless.

I knew losing 50 pounds would screw me eventually.

That was an incredibly unfunny skit.

Jez, can we have an informative article on how to have hookups safely? I'm serious. Something that steers away from "DON'T GO ANYWHERE, EVER, OR YOU WILL BE RAPED" and just gives advice. Because I am clueless. I was leaning towards getting Tinder because I thought it would be safer than meeting random guys in bars,

I'm always wary of this happening when I go on any date (regardless of whether we meet offline or online), so much so that I leave a post-it with some identifying information about the person I'm seeing hidden in one of the books in my apartment. My brother and best friend know to look for it if I happen to go missing

I like how this article starts off as "maybe Tinder....." and the ends with "definitely Tinder" Nice journalism!

Also I have not seen the movie in question, so no, seriously, I have no opinions.

I'm not sure if you're American, but I swear Americans are the only people who beat themselves up for having opinions on things that are not strictly related to them. Unless you're stating your opinion as fact, there's nothing wrong with doing so. An opinion should not be considered privileged if it's over something

Well now we're going around in circles. The original post I responded to shows a consultant who is very vocal about having worked with Leto, going as far as to say 'did you know I taught Jared Leto how to be transexual?'

You can have an opinion on the quality of a movie regardless of your skin color. If somebody thinks a movie is crap then they can say it's crap. The race of a person expressing that thought doesn't matter. To say it should matter is the essence of racism.

I believe my answer would have to be any color but orange.

It was awkward, but to be fair, you did cut off where she says "they are probably thinking there's that girl who kisses all those white guys on her show." When asked "what do you think everyone here is thinking about you?"

Does this mean she's gonna snort coke from a dude's butthole?