
Agreed. Conservatives don’t spend a ton of time arguing about Charlie Baker. Dems need to run the most liberal person who can win IN THAT DISTRICT in every single race in November.


Zac Efron is playing Ted Bundy in an upcoming biopic.

Spend all the money u want, but no more inexperienced presidents.

As funny as it is to laugh about Trump Tower catching fire or how he is, like, a stable genius, I still hate to end the day thinking about Our Moron President.

No, the political landscape is exactly the same as it was in 2006 - when the Assault Weapon ban had only expired two years prior, the Iraq War was only 3 years old, Afghanistan 5, 1 state had legalized gay marriage, Bush had just been re-elected, Obama was a longshot, the Dems finally took back Congress after 12

She’s actually a Russian spy, part of Putin’s long con of America via Donald Trump. I’m right on this.

This is funny, and I wish I could enjoy it. Unfortunately, I suffer from a rare disorder that makes it impossible for me to laugh at a joke comment unless its premise precisely matches the content of the article. :(

I haven’t been able to watch the evening news this week. It is still too painful. It’s not quite as bad as after the election, when I couldn’t bear to watch the news for weeks. But it’s still bad. This is why dogs exist.

Conservatives, especially religious ones, have always been better about recognizing the value of this than liberals are. I firmly believed that the death of Scalia and the vacancy on the court was a game changer for conservatives who might have blown off this election when Trump eked out a win.

Catholics who follow the Jesuit tradition (a la our current Pope) typically lean very blue because the focus is on social justice, not single-focus issues like abortion. They’re still against abortion (and contraception, for that matter), but it doesn’t completely define their politics.

<Raises hand> Along with many among my all-girls high school’s and K-8 grammar school’s graduating classes. My Catholic school experience was not at all like the horror stories that get described here. Sex ed started in 3rd grade and continued throughout high school, including birth control, excluding abortion but

Agree, though I think it depends on who is running the schools. Jesuits, for example, and some orders of nuns seem to care more about justice as a whole than abortion.

Cue claims that this is the result of people voting “illegally” followed by increased Republican efforts to disenfranchise black voters.

Oh, I definitely understand that is a reason why she is on the cover — I don’t dispute that at all. I do dispute she hasn’t earned a right to be on the cover — which is a ridiculous concept.

Along those lines, instead of vaseline or chapstick you should just use the horse udder ointment.

Jimmy Carter was (is?) pro-life, which is why he created WIC so that women who had abortions because they couldn’t feed their babies could feed their babies. He didn’t outlaw abortion; he made it more possible for women to parent. What a way to put your values into useful practice instead of forcing them on other

Like what you like girl! There’s a lot of griping here over Glossier’s aesthetic and pricing (which is hardly that outrageous, especially if you’re used to buying beauty items at Sephora) but I’m of the mind that marketing shouldn’t put you off otherwise good products. If something looks great in swatches and has

Whew that was a great episode. This show has blown so far out of the water my highest expectations for what an Archie show could be. Amazing. Incredible. So great Riverdale, Riverdale and you and me, great things, dark things, reaal dark things, just you and me and Betty and Veronica, the outside world is our enemy Riv

And we have to RUN FOR OFFICE! I am running for office in 2018! I mean, wtf am I doing??? But I can’t handle this anymore! The incumbent Republican Chair of our County was running UNOPPOSED. So I am scrambling to get 2,000 signatures (only need 1100 for ballot, but I am being extra careful and getting more) in order