
The south east side of Chicago is 15 minutes from Indiana. In fact, my dad would take us to Indiana for Tasty Freeze. It took us maybe 25 minutes. It took longer to go to Schaumburg.

Right?? I am as straight as humanly possible, and kind of feel bad about it, because of this weird assumption that all women must be some level of bisexual, that we all “experiment” in college, and that if we never did we must be repressed, etc.

Popovich/Duncan 2020

Is it wrong I think he’s hot? He’s a good 40 years my senior. But whatevs.

The day dawned cold and cloudy—the skies curdling in despair at what lay before the doomed.

More like 1797. That rouge is out of control, all he’s missing is a powdered wig. LOL

We are not required to like her. Why bring up beyonce, can we not defend women without bringing up other women.

48 hours to condemn actual fucking Nazis.

I agree. However, glorifying disordered eating is bound to set some people on a path that will be difficult to step away from.

Shows like this might not CAUSE ED but it’s hard to argue they don’t normalize the idea of disordered eating

Seems like he sets a great example for them. “Hey kids, treason is fine as long as it gets you what you want!”

No, they’re too arrogant to think they’ll be punished for their crimes.

one of the xmen movies, i forget which.

Fuck these people. I guess I deserved to get cancer at age 3, because I wasn’t taking good care of myself before that. Or was that a punishment for my parents? Imagine how rich they’d be if they didn’t pay $20,000 per year health insurance premiums for a decade after I was healthy, maybe then these craven assholes

No, that isn’t a fucked up approach. That is EXACTLY how language works. Ask any linguist, anywhere.

I think the Russians just saw an easy mark, because of his general and profound dumbassery and problematic business interests, and leaned on the actual smart people around him and/or inserted their operatives into his orbit. I reckon he is technically innocent of, and yet still totally responsible for, any collusion.

The Russia shit happened. A lot of people in his campaign (Kushner and Flynn for sure, possibly Sessions, and a number of people we either don’t know too well or have already forgotten about (remember Manafort?)) were absolutely involved in deliberate collusion.

I honestly don’t think the Russians actively colluded with him, possibly his associates but not him, he’s far too erratic for that.

I’m 99% sure I had the exact skirt you’re referencing hahaha