
In addition to him being a virulent racist and True Asshole™, this whole debate proves to me he was never a real developer or someone with construction and business acumen. A real one would realize a) this project is logistically untenable and almost impossible to build and b) insanely expensive for what you get in

I’m crying. RIP Scott.

It’s nice to see people you disagree with (GWB) humanized like this. It’s also why I never feel sympathetic towards Trump. He shows no sign of possessing actual human feelings or impulses. It’s so sad. 

I hate so much the shapes his mouth makes.

This is key. International leaders NEED foreign policy experience. Trump is showing us what no foreign policy experience means - and foreign business experience isn’t sufficient.

they’re not spending your money. 

very legal & very cool

Bob Swan Mueller makes CRIME uncomfortable!

OH, this long-time lurker is quite aware now that you mention it. LOL. His middle name is SWAN so the bird gifs are perfect.

There’s something about him. Maybe the dedication to higher principles, bipartisan reputation and THAT STRONG JAW LINE, am. I. RIGHT!

Starred because Ivanka’s neck is TOO LONG. 

like the sexy justice bird that he is. 

Nearly Midnight, Honolulu, by Neko too

I’m 28, and no one my age that I know gives a single fuck about Bill Clinton. Catering to millennials? Don’t trot out Bill Clinton. He’s a gross old man. I. Don’t. Care. Same with you, Joe Biden!!!

how fucked is that? and when you’re THAT rich. get like, a cat nanny at least if you need help. Lord. 

Her hand skin and face skin are two alarmingly different colors. Her and the hubs have that in common. 

I think people are overstating how important those red state country fans are. I’m pretty sure they make up a tiny subset of her fans. Her American fans are certainly outnumbered by her fans from other countries.

I’m not defending her, but she is an *international* celebrity, not just US. Her 110 million+ IG followers are not all American, and not all of voting age even if they were all American. I just find it odd that someone with so much international influence, the focus is solely about American politics. She’s also

Pretty sure most of the planet has been oversaturated with male energy...since...FOREVER? LOL, kanye, make some male friends. 

Where’s Jaime Lannister when you need him?