
Late 20s Chicago lady here. I am weirdly successful on Bumble/Tinder and not OKC. Last relationship (one year) was Bumble and current relationship (at a year with more on the way, it seems) on Tinder. My current dude got on it for fun (me too) and somehow we hit it off. I usually messaged with them and got a feel for

and gaslighted into thinking her pain was not real.

Agreed, your face just kinda gets more...pointy as you age. Obviously I don’t mean this in a bad way - she’s beautiful! She is pointy in a not in her 20's way.

I am actually 27, and I look much younger than Robbie. She is stunning, but I look 27 with makeup (younger without) and she looks 31 if that’s her real age (and with makeup) IMO, if i just saw her and had to guess.

Love Caitriona!!! She is stunning too.

Good point - i think having it actually explored on a show will be cool to watch (should they go that route)

i see the difference - yeah I can’t say I have a personal affection in a real way for any entertainer.

i get strong FNL vibes from it, only in that it does a good job of blending the grownups and teens and not making the teens unbearable.

Even if he is asexual, he would still believably go thru relationships and experience that would help determine it

I am an okay person and I think her music is fun. I think she’s evil, and fake, and also has fun music. I guess you wouldn’t care to be around me, which is fine (lol!) I don’t think listening to innocuous pop is necessarily a red flag. Pop stars, famous people in general, are trying to appeal to the most amount of

Had the same first thought. What does this even mean?! I like my entertainment to skew female. Because I’ know...female. Why are the most female-centric forms of entertainment goddamn YA novels and teen shows? Adult woman are not as fun to sell things to? Jesus.

Totally agree. I want to nap for 74 years.

pretty much take away 95% of Illinois with that one too. Chicago area and Champaign are the islands of blue

We had a similar ghost to Hester growing up, minus the ghost saving us from a a bad thing (thought maybe it happened!) we would come home to all sorts of random shit strewn about, TVs on, lights on, etc., that my VERY neat mother would have never abided at any time, and it would happen when we would be gone for a

Yes, it may have been Indiana. You are totally right on the money. makes me sick.

Let’s criminalize miscarriages!!! WOOOO!

Yes - that was essentially my point and agree 100%

my balding boyfriend is realllllllll cute. this is a boring take.

Argued below that Putin and oil interests are tying his hands, with Trump in the wings certainly. That’s basically the long version of what I was saying. Call me ridiculous but I do believe we’ve got some big players completely bought off by Russia (Rohrabacher FFS!)

I basically said this in a lot less words, so totally agree. maybe you mean to reply to the original comment.