
I basically said this in a lot less words, so totally agree. maybe you mean to reply to the original comment.

Disagree - he is in charge of State which he is refusing to staff. Incompetent and putting us at risk.

she licked a donut, or something.

Meyer is also married to Bristol Palin, so.

Yes and in a show of camaraderie will refer to my enemies as horse people.

You’d think she’d remember Indiana is a place! Mike Pence will be miffed!

I was more finding the “horse girl” part the offensive part. Not sure how midwestern = horse person. For what it’s worth I’m sort of laughing at myself for being slightly offended and on second reading your comment made me laugh more than anything. So, apologies for being sensitive. I’m fun usually, I swear. (and yes,

cool vaguely offensive generalizations about people from the Midwest...

Yes! Or, shock that you’ve only been in exclusive relationships and never cheated. Sorry I only date people I want to be with and not be a dick to???? I’m repressed because my boyfriend and I are super into each other? OK.

I fax my Congresspeople every day, and this administration gives me no shortage of topics to write to them about. They maybe think I am a conspiracy theorist but hopefully they just think I am Very Informed.

No because he IS hot.

Ahhhh -this is some much-needed handsome justice bird fic right here. thank you.


No one in this administration gets their makeup applied well. Jeff Sessions’ makeup always looks like he’s going to Jr Prom in 1997.

I can confirm all of this. I went on Accutane at age 15 - no chance of me being sexually active at that time; I had never even had a boyfriend. I had to sign a pledge and state abstinence as my primary form of BC and that I was using condoms as my secondary. It was all very official. 15 year old me was like WHY DO I

Petty but still:

“Produce placement?” Editing is fun, too!

I like how people seem to forget that the concept of “insiders” is present in basically every the business world trump is from. How does electing him to office make him an outsider? As if the guy doesn’t come with baggage from *his* realm. I don’t get it!

I fully believe TS is an actual genius (evil genius??) and she chose to use her genius to become a popstar. At least she didn’t use it to like, become a dictator. Though she could!

A good way to magically know stuff is to use the Internet, which you’re already on, to Google information rather than ask strangers about a touchy subject. Just a thought.