
Mike Pence looks like he’s sitting on a cake, though. His favorite, favorite cake.

Are we sure this isn’t a cake of a bust of Jacob Marley here to teach us some important Christmas lessons?

most certainly. his lips retract into his gums, i think. i haven’t ever seen him photographed during the day, HAVE YOU? People are saying he drains lambs of their blood. the disappointing thing is Junior’s face is not in view.

I don’t drive and have registered in multiple states with no problems. So, that Washington thing is great and not having a license wouldn’t preclude a person from registering.

Just noticed Eric’s reaction in this shot too, after Tiffany rejects Don. Too good.

no argument there.

i mean, we have OTHER pizza restaurants besides deep dish. we have all types of pizza. we’re not animals.

rumor has it that he went into actual witness protection. way to fuck up a guy’s life, chicago!

you’d think he’d tap on the horn or try to wave the kid along or ask if he needed directions before jumping out of his car only to assault him. But, that’s just me.

For me it’s the awful TV makeup. Christ.

Stephen is by far the classier spelling. Vs are for suckers!

Seeing as though Kentucky doesn’t touch a Great Lake, I’m calling foul (see what I did there)

I look at electoral maps every day. All I was saying is that Great Lakes is a part of the Midwest, but I see you meant in terms of voting blocs and not geographically. Makes sense. Too bad IL is pretty much the same as Indiana when you aren’t in Chicagoland.

Split the Great Lakes from the Midwest? As a Chicagoan, that makes actual no sense, and people from MN, WI, MI, IN, are also confused.

my understanding is that it is just his name. He does not own or operate.

this is true, but his improvement has been very good.

that’s not where I saw that comment going...