so if you play with Russian audio, is there an English subtitle option? I'd prefer that if the translation is accurate
so if you play with Russian audio, is there an English subtitle option? I'd prefer that if the translation is accurate
as a complete newb to the EU, where do you veterans suggest I start reading? all my SW knowledge comes from the movies and the clone wars show on cartoon network (which is rather good though it has it's rough patches).
this is true, but honestly, a large majority of ios users won't care or know or notice.
it's probably actually true. I doubt they're doing the legwork themselves and scrounging up these deals. I assume a bot will email them a whole list like this scraped off dealzon et al rss feed.
the midna reaction was great. the rest were mostly meh
gave me a scare for a minute there. I looked it up and I don't think I have it. none of the symptoms apply to me and I'm not european/caucasian (most common group).
I hope not, but I strongly doubt this will be the case. my dad is in the same boat. he probably has 20 lb on me
I wait my 30th with trepidation and if gizmodo is still around, I'll post there and laugh in all your faces.
holy crap. drastic measures -> drastic results!
all 3 of those things in the title already apply to me. I've always been slightly "underweight" if you want to be picky. I'm 5'8" 130lb. have been for 4 years. I'm 21 now. last time I exercised rigorously, regularly was track in high school. I've tried gaining weight (eating a lot, protein etc, gym -> muscle building,…
use gtalk with some friends. facebook for others. usually not desktop client.
you mean it's close to being over 9000
in all likeliness, they'll announce the nexus tablet at Google IO this year (June). even if they announced it today or tomorrow, the rumors are it won't ship until q2/q3 anyways. ipad 3 it is for you then.
they said all items that can be purchased are either cosmetic or can also be obtained through more hours put in (ie farming?)
the thing I can think of when I hear Dragon's Dogma is the Capcom panel at Comic-Con 2011. the guy who was presenting DD went over his time by at least 10 min and the rest of the people were getting pissed. and he wasn't even presenting compelling information. he kept going on about basic game mechanics and story that…
the soldiers themselves are pretty tough and strong (though by regular standards only). anyways it's fiction so who cares about details
and of course, his classic "Dale" face. it saddens many to not have that comedy be part of the show anymore
I've stopped streaming now for about 4 years. I can't go back to buffering and ads. and lower quality. I'm willing to put up with the waiting
have you tried ps3 media server? acts as a local server on your computer to stream your content (transcoding on the fly as necessary) to your dlna compliant devices on your network (ps3, xbox, media box, etc.).
they killed off Dale because the actor wanted out after Darabont left. also, note: no more floppy hat. not necessarily. SPOILER ALERT, don't read further if you haven't read the comic: Andrea might start wearing it like in the comic after Dale died (albeit much later down the road in the story).