
so that's his secret to immortality...

that would be quite hilarious. too bad he doesn't have a grandson as well...hehe

thanks for mentioning that book. I am going to check it out.

yeah, that was one thing that stood out to me as well. maybe, a random split would be better?

but so delicious.... I'm a bad person

they said it doesn't look good with 7 sides since it's hard to build something with odd number of sides.

os x 10.1 was already called puma.

the one series actually dates back 2 years a la the Nexus One. god, what beauty that one was

paring back (as in paring your nails)

what are you referring to

anyone got Bioshock for steam trade? I got Killing floor and some coupons (valve, rockstar, fallout nv,3)

actually cosplay extends to any fictional character but is usually video game, anime, cartoon, tv show/movie.

at this rate, the money printers will be printing so fast, it'll cause a paper jam of the most epic proportions. brace yourselves, paper mario tie-in!!!

like thelolotov said, if it's not on the list, it won't activate (with a few exceptions). though I don't really care about AC on steam since they're old and not getting patches, and there aren't achievements anyways. it'd be virtually identical by just adding them as a non-steam game.

Bioshock is $4.99 today at Gamersgate. Amazon has a crap ton of pc game downloads on sale including 50% off darkness 2, sts row, and 75% off assassins creed 1, 2.

thanks for the link. I'll try it out. sounds awesome

yeah it's pretty fun. I've played before at friends but finally own it for myself now.