reddit had a couple large steam coupon giveaway threads. I splurged today! got terraria, audiosurf, half life and orcs must die all 50% off. remember guys, they expire march 1!
reddit had a couple large steam coupon giveaway threads. I splurged today! got terraria, audiosurf, half life and orcs must die all 50% off. remember guys, they expire march 1!
the gameplay wasn't exactly poor. just mediocre. the story was pretty interesting though.
DS? eshop? 3DS?
if you listen very closely, you can also hear the sound of him not giving a fuck about normative fashion.
looks like it's a beech to retreeve.
does Dr. Horrible's Sing along Blog have any inspiration from Dr. Terrible's House of Horrible? Hammer films??? seems too much of coincidence.
r/gamedeals and r/patientgamers are giving away steam coupons (expire march 1).
yup. it won't get much lower than that without steam coupon or crazy sale (not soon, summer sale).
speaking of savings, amazon has a huge pc game sale today and through the next week. also, on r/gamedeals and r/patientgamers, there are threads devoted to giving away steam coupons (they expire march 1).
it does activate on origin though.
I'm looking for a new video card and my current choices are 550 Ti, 560 or 560 Ti. I'm leaning towards 560 Ti but I've been told it's just slightly better than the regular 560. it'd save me a decent amount to drop down to that, but someone just told me also, the 550 Ti handles most games like a champ. thoughts?
for resizing bootcamp: winclone (mac app), delete partition, create new partition, restore from winclone
amazon has amazing sales. the end of february sales got my wallet out in a heartbeat. I just got AC 1,2,brotherhood (directors cut, deluxe) for a jackson
technically it's not a trailer. there was no marketing crap all over the place (this preview blah blah, credits, etc). it's exactly what it is. a snippet of the first scene
I still find it disturbing that external drives are much cheaper than internal drives. $75 for 1TB external with usb 3.0. $120-140 for a 1TB drive internal
related news: young justice should be back next week.
that's the character's name technically. class is sniper, soldier, siren, berserker. I've only played roland and halfway through mordecai has all forgotten realms games for buy 1 get one free and you also get some extra game for free (another forgotten realms title). this includes baldurs gate, icewindale, neverwinter nights
in the windows version of the desktop gtalk app, does it support gmail calling, google voice, or hangouts? I'd prefer that over this extension.
no, because erasing the memory does nothing to change the fact that it still happened.