
Interestinggggg, thanks for letting me know!

Oh, so she's probably based on a comics character? I tried to look it up but I couldn't find anything, maybe my google skills are lacking.

Is there a reason a white woman is the head of the evil magical ninja group? Is she just the head of a branch?

There is definitely enough closure to be satisfied with the season we got.

I mean literal racist costumes like at Halloween.

I mean, I keep hearing the argument about casting an Asian being a stereotype but it comes off a lot as just an excuse to lock Asians out of these opportunities. If it's a well-written character with depth it won't be a stereotype, you know? (not that Danny seems to be a well-written character in this show)

Agggghhhh, I knew this would happen! For some reason my first comment didn't show up to me so I thought it didn't go through.

Danny Rand and the Iron Fist definitely comes out of that tradition.

Appropriation refers to using elements of another culture without respecting it, so I'm not sure what your point is?

Wearing something as a costume is generally considered offensive if it's done without context or respect/knowledge of the culture. Burning a flag is considered free speech, these are very different examples.

The problem basically boils down to the fact that the writer writes about Gomez in a weird, paternalistic and borderline fetishistic way and chose to focus on his own experience during her interview without giving her a voice (again, in her own interview) until the very end. It's unprofessional, creepy as hell, and

The problem with the trope is that generally the other culture is simply a tool for the usualky whitebread hero to become the GOAT rather than a respected way of life, and said hero is given more importance and credibility than the original practioners of the art they learned. I don't think there's anything inherently

I peaced out the tail end of season 3 when it became clear the writers cared more about their shiny new characters than the established ones. And they spent three seasons building up my otp only to burn it to the ground. I'm still bitter.

Goodbye, VD. I stopped watching when you abandoned your perfect story to focus on the Disaster Family of Original Assholes in season 3 but you gave me one of my first otp's and a lot of kickass women. I'll miss you.

Because adults having sex with teenagers under their supervision is a fun, sexy thing?
I hate this world. (this is why I can't rewatch Pretty Little Liars lmao. I didn't realize how skeevy half the relationships were when I was in high school but now…ugh)

Overall an enjoyable episode. I'm glad Adalind was included in Nick's negotiation, the poor woman needed out of that hostage situation. But the look Diana gave when her mom was hugging Nick…yikes.

This is definitely a David Blaine street magic parody.

it took me a minute to remember what hat Nick was talking about and then I grinned so hard my face hurt.

That "previously on" featuring Meisner brought back all my heartbreak for the ship that never was. RIP Meisner/Adalind. (Though Nickalind has grown on me)