
The laurel scenes made me so sad…what the hell show, why didn't you treat her this well when you had her.

I'd talk about Young Oak Kim, the only Korean in the 100th Infantry Battalion (an otherwise Japanese-American group) who was a total boss.

Oh, i thought you meant you only saw him in roles where he was still a good if psychotic guy and never as a douche, that's why I picked this movie.

He played a total douchebag in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.

The creators said in an interview that the idea of "they also could have decreased the intelligence" will be addressed in a later episode.

omg…what if he dies right before the recital and its dedicated to him…

I spent that whole Logan-William confrontation scene convinced they were about to make out. Maybe HBO has just conditioned that into me.

The fact that she knew his name makes me think she woke herself up and listened to their conversations, then shut back down when he came to work on her.

Hosts are programmed to interfere and protect guests. It was mentioned in this episode as being a Samaritan and I thought I saw it happen when one of the hosts seems to cover a guest to protect him from the "bullets".


Mariah's rage was so visceral and real, just…damn. These two were so incredibly messed up by their guardians.

I weirdly adore Shades. He's great.

This sounds amazing.

Wasn't there a black samurai in real life? Sounds interesting.

Is that including nazis? (genuinely curious)

That's true, but the frightening thing I find about science used for evil is that it tends to boil down to a total disregard for others. Like, someone could dose someone with a chemical just to see what happens, you know? (which the US government has done…)


Turkey has not had a good track record with prosecuting religious extremists, especially when the violence is against foreigners :/

Personally I think evil scientists are worse. My roommate told me about some of the effed up things the US government has done to the unsuspecting public and…well…it was hard to sleep that week. (she was reading it up for an ethics class)

From what I understand, that 99% statistic exists because the government automatically puts you down as muslim in your official records unless you go out of your way to change it. In which case you will have difficulty finding jobs, so people generally don't do that.