I am black. I have been to Medford (Ashland is really the college town but Medford is seedier and right next door). Can confirm; if you don’t mind being objectified it’s like being a bear in a salmon run.
I am black. I have been to Medford (Ashland is really the college town but Medford is seedier and right next door). Can confirm; if you don’t mind being objectified it’s like being a bear in a salmon run.
I took a look over at Breitbart. The main story was dedicated to Toupee Fiasco’s* “beatdown” of the media in his opening statement. Conspicuously missing was anything about when he was taking questions.
*not my joke
They need to stop eating lead paint chips.
Shout-out to Peter Alexander for calling out baby hands claim about winning the biggest electoral college since Reagan.
I hope she pens a best seller, and gets a movie option, and walks away from all this with enough money for her therapy and a comfortable life after.
Lol- Eric, the Spare Apparent
Ugh Tiffany, melania and ivanka aren’t helpless innocent women held captive. They have agency. Tiffany trades on her name.
Is asking about the bar some sort of weird elitist way of claiming someone isn’t good?
I can solve valve’s problem: enact quality control and mod greenlight.
This is aggressive and I love it.
I flat out do not trust people who are proud of not reading. It seems like the next thing they say is always something about how evolution can’t be real and dinosaurs lived with people. Then they want to tell you how essential oils cured their wife’s cousin’s mother’s pancreatic cancer.
I still don’t understand LoL it seems like it’s full of nothing but shitposters and assholes so good on someone for finding enjoyment in it.
I watched it live and the whole thing was truly bizarre.
Let’s be real: does Donald Trump know Frederick Douglas isn’t the peanut butter guy?
Ha, I was the same way! Skirts and jeans allll the time, men’s blazers from Goodwill and the Salvation Army with band tees underneath, a thousand necklaces, and of course, a tie. No one else dressed like me either, and there’s probably a good reason for that.
Not only that but how prepared are Californians to pay import taxes on the things they can’t or don’t currently produce while at the same time losing revenue from boycotts on their exports? Are they prepared to secure their borders with the states next door? Are they prepared to issue or get visas and passports to…
This would be the biggest fuck you possible for African-Americans. Such an idiotic idea.
As a history nerd, I like to reassure myself that what we’re experiencing now is a normal part of progress. There is always a sort of kickback before society changes meaningfully. The 50's were a kickback decade. There was a kickback during the industrial revolution. The Spanish Inquisition was partly in response to…
A cooler rebellion would be if the state to redirected all of its federal tax dollars to flint and PP.
“I know how we can handle a Presidential loose cannon! Let’s start a civil war!!” - California