
“We need to rein in science. We need to stop these liberals that think that anything is OK,” he wrote in an email.”

When Trump didn’t wait for her when greeting the Obamas, it reminded me of the character of Betty Heslop in Muriel’s Wedding.

“Blue lives matter. What, was you *born* a police? That is not a blue life. That is a blue suit. If you don’t like it, take that suit off, find a new job”

The “Blue Lives Matter” law passed in Louisiana last year—under which violence against cops was officially classified as a hate crime—also applies to resisting arrest, according to a state police chief.

There’s this idea in Pence and Bannon circles that public education=liberal education. And they perceive education as the biggest threat to neo/alt conservatism’s future. They want to smash it to little bits. DaVos and Trump’s alt choice, Michlle Rhee are outspoken proponents of this smash. DaVos gave the most money,

There is a lot more to the ACA than the marketplace insurance. The vast majority of people I have signed up are not getting insurance in name only. The premiums and deductibles are reasonable. They also get free preventive services, birth control with no deductible, no life time caps, and a maximum they will pay out

The only way to stop a bad bear is a good bear?

Clearly the solution to grizzly bears menacing our schools is more bears

Setting the morality (or lack thereof) of the death penalty aside, I feel like people who would now view Dylann Roof as a martyr would still have viewed him with admiration even if he got life in prison. Why should those people’s opinions matter any when it comes to giving Roof a worthy punishment?

He’s a murderer, a terrorist, an unapologetic racist, and an evil piece of shit.

Clearly, bird law is in effect here. It’s in the skies, where bird law is king.

You’re absolutely right and if anything is suspicious, it’s Trump’s behavior. If he had truly “inadvertently” benefitted from these Russian hacks, he should be the first in line to get to the bottom of it and furthermore tell Putin that though he benefitted, he can expect no favors and that he supports the work of the

Lol aw shucks we didn’t get Argrebaut’s approval 😱 What will we ever do with ourselves? How can we continue to live? You got me!

Ignore the paid GRU troll with no posting history...

Agreed. This doesn’t seem all that earth shattering. Why would they present all of their evidence? Particularly when it could endanger people’s lives. This isn’t a court of law, Russia doesn’t get full disclosure.

When can we shame stupid Trump voters for allowing themselves to be influenced by paid for Russian trolls? That their hatred of Hillary Clinton is so severe they allowed themselves to do the bidding of Vladmir Putin. How can republican voters not feel completely embarrassed for themselves?!

I literally just told you the reason to not present evidence is that high value assets would be exposed and their lives in danger. You can believe whatever you want but if you truly believe the FBI, CIA, and NSA got together and spun a huge lie well, maybe they are dumping the chemtrails over my house too.

Hannah, I’m disappointed in the clickbait title. Claiming these agencies “did not present evidence” is not merely misleading but untrue. You are spreading same sort of misinformation that drives clicks for conspiracy bloggers and Fox News.

I saw it hashtagged on Twitter with #LannisterFamilyValues.

With my advanced age, I have learned one big comforting thing: no one really gives a shit. Your family may give you some crap, your partner may get down on you, but in a world of 7.4 billion people, no one really cares. Do what makes you happy. Fuck up. The world loves fuck up stories because then they can feel